Chapter 26: On The Plane

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Opal: Well, at least we are up in the sky now.

Snaplette: Mawile...

Stephanie: Ya, thank God.

Pixie: Sylve

Everyone was relaxing on the plane in their own ways, Goh and Ash were discussing about the Pokémon in Alola, Chloe was talking to Lillie about something, Lana was having a nap with her Eevee and Mallow was talking on her phone to Professor Kukui about them almost arriving in Alola.

Delia was also having her own nap with her Mr. Mime next to her, Opal was talking with Stephanie, Newtwo was playing with Huey and Mewtwo? Well, he was teaching his daughter Emer a few words and powers with the help of Mew.

Mew: Mew mew... *Holds and Points a Photo*

Ember: Sand?

Mewtwo: Good girl Ember, now this is called a flower *Shows Picture*

Ember: Flower.

Mew: Mew!

Ember: *Giggles*

Mewtwo: You are doing so good sweetie.

Ember: Love you daddy.

Mewtwo fell silent after Ember said those words, he started to tear up at that point. Mew just patted him on his shoulders to congratulate him for reaching dome sort of parenting point in his life.

Pilot: Ladies and Gentlemen this is your captain speaking. If you would please fasten your seatbelts, we are approaching our destination.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and woke up to look out their windows and saw that they were in fact approaching Alola.

While everyone cheered, Stephanie teared up at the sight that she may finally get her big break and escape.

Stephanie: *Mom, if you're looking at me now from heaven, please protect me from my father*

Mewtwo's Trainer, Stephanie HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now