Chapter 7: Mewtwo, Who Is She?

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Mallow: Mewtwo, who is she?

Before anything could happen though, the Delphox and Florges rushed forward with attacks ready to strike the kids and other Pokémon in the room.

Lana: What the?!

Mewtwo: Wait wait wait! It's ok, their on our side, friends...

Newtwo and Mew were the only ones who noticed that Mewtwo was trying his best not to freak out by the small sweat drops on the side of his face. Delphox and Florges then lowered their nearly fired attacked when finally believing their long distanced Pokémon friend.

Delia: Mewtwo, explain, now!

Mewtwo: Ok, ok, calm down.

Everyone gathered around Mewtwo while Delphox went back to keeping an eye on the unconscious girl in the hospital bed.

Mewtwo: She's... my old trainer.

Everyone immediately gasped, Mewtwo had always hated humans and trainers, so why did he just say the girl was his past trainer? 

Goh: I'm sorry, she's your what?

Metwo: I know, hard to believe right? But this all did happen, it was years ago, before I made you all that ridiculous thing. I had broken out of captivity from the lab I was created in, and found myself wondering the streets, that was when I found a small village that actually isn't that far from here.

Chloe: You're kidding..

Mewtwo: No, there, I met the girl here that day, she was just a young and small girl with a Gothorita by her side, must of been one of her starter Pokémon. 

We met in the wood's with and she was also with her parents and their Pokémon as well, at that time, the Delphox and Florges you see now were her mother's Pokémon

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We met in the wood's with and she was also with her parents and their Pokémon as well, at that time, the Delphox and Florges you see now were her mother's Pokémon. Her family allowed me to stay with them and I swore to the mother on her be-half that I could care for her daughter, since I didn't trust the father.

Lillie: Who was her mother?

Mewtwo: Oh your gonna be surprised

Mewtwo pulled out an old poster from somewhere and un-rolled it, it was an image of a woman, she looked like she was in her early 30's, had dark pink hair, wearing a purple dress with light purple gloves, boots black pants and also had light purple blush and red lipstick.

One it were the words ad name "Amelia Heartfilia"

One it were the words ad name "Amelia Heartfilia"

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Humans: Wow!

Huey: Who is that woman?

Chloe: That is Amelia Heartfilia, she was the most famous and powerful Pokémon trainer ever, she also use to own the Fairy Type Pokémon Training Gym. That is... until she passed away.

Newtwo: Oh, the poor girl.

Mewtwo: Ya, she was heartbroken over the death of her mother. Her father changed shortly after that, when she was eight, she told me to run away, and not to come back no matter what. I shouldn't of listen to her, I should've stayed.

Mew: Mew mew...

Ash: Mew's right, I'm sure she just wanted to protect you Mewtwo.

Mewtwo looked at Ash with a small smile, then there was a sudden voice that said..

???: Mewtwo, is that you?

Everyone turned and saw that the girl was awake, her eyes were only half open though, but she could still see clear enough. Mewtwo immediately rushed to the girl side, tears welling up in his eyes and slowly falling into sobs.

Mewtwo: You should've told me. *Sobs* I-I would've come sooner.

???: Mewtwo, please don't cry, I hate it when you do.

Delia: Dear, my name is Delia Ketchum, my son and his friend's know Mewtwo. What is your name if I may ask?

???: My name... Is Stephanie Heartfilia.

(Sorry for not uploading, I've been sick and my school work overloaded a bit)

Mewtwo's Trainer, Stephanie HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now