Chapter 17: Parenting Advice And Tips

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Newtwo: Ok now hold her over your shoulder, one arm under her bottom and one arm across her back.

Mewtwo: Like this?

Delia: Ya that's it.

Delia, Newtwo and Stephanie were helping Mewtwo with small and simple parenting advice since he was now the father of Ember. Ember had just finished her bottle and Mewtwo was now trying to burp her.

Stephanie: Now all you have to do, is do gentle pats on her back.

Mewtwo: Ok. *Pats Ember's Back*

Ember: *Burps*

Delia: There we go.

Mewtwo: Huh, wasn't so bad after all.

Newtwo: See, you just need guidance.

Though that was when Ember threw up what little milk didn't go down properly all over Mewtwo's stomach.

Stephanie: I'll... go get you a towel.


Ember: Mew.

Mewtwo: I know, come on, time for a bath.

Newtwo: Need some help?

Mewtwo: I think I'm going to try and handle this one on my own. 

Newtwo: Ok, just call if you need help.

With a nod Mewtwo went with Ember into the bathroom, while Mewtwo placed his daughter on the floor for a minute, he filled up a bucket with soapy water. Though when he turned back to Ember, she was already crawling to the door away from her bath.

Mewtwo: Oh no you don't. Come here.

Ember: Mew!

*Time Skip*

Ash: Just a sour look on her face?

Mewtwo: Well she was crawling away from it.

Newtwo: At least she's easier to bathe than Huey was.

Huey: Was I that bad?

Newtwo: Oh yes you were.

Ember: Mew mew.

Stephanie: I think that's her way of telling everyone, "bedtime".

Delia: I think all of us should.

Everyone: Night!

Ash and Stephanie went upstairs to Ash's room, Delia to her room and Mew and the Two's go of to their own little spots. When Mewtwo lied down with Ember by his side, she fell asleep instantly with the warmth of her father around her.

Meanwhile up in Ash's room, Ash is fast asleep, but Stephanie was still awake, with Sun and Flora by her side. She sneaks out the window with a vine whip from Florges into the yard.

Stephanie: Ok, quickly, Delphox form then Florges form, then maybe, try to get the new Cinccino form.

With Sun and Flora by her side, Stephanie closed her eyes and after a minute of silence, it looked like magic essence started to appear and wrap around her, the first time it was orange and gold, the second time it was blue and green, after both times gave a bright blinding light, it was revealed on what happened to her.

Delphox Form:

Delphox Form:

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Florges From:

Stephanie: Ok, good, almost done

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Stephanie: Ok, good, almost done. Come on Cinccino.

She closed her eyes and had the same swirls of magical essence wrap her way around her, then this time though, there was a fluffy poof of fluff and when it wen away, it was revealed that she changed again, this time into a Cinccino look-a-like.

Cinccino Form:

Cinccino Form:

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(PS- This what she looked like as a Minccino)

Stephanie then turned back to normal and Sun came up to her, placing a paw on her shoulder

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Stephanie then turned back to normal and Sun came up to her, placing a paw on her shoulder.

Sun: Delphox.

Stephanie: Ok Sun, time for bed, for real.

They bad their way back through the window and Stephanie laid down on the futon Ash pulled out for her and went to sleep with her Pokémon by her side.

Mewtwo's Trainer, Stephanie HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now