Chapter 10: Stephanie's Grandmother... Is Opal?!

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After that, everyone was talking with one another when a nurse came into the room, it was about finding some family member who could sign her out of the hospital.

Mallow: Well calling her father isn't the best option, he's just gonna cause this whole thing all over again.

Tsareena: Tsa

Nurse: Is there any family member other than your father we could call?

Stephanie: You could call my grandmother, she lives around here.

Nurse: May I have her number?

Stephanie nodded and wrote down on a piece of paper her grandmother's phone number before handing it to the nurse.

Lillie: You must talk to your grandmother a lot huh?

Stephanie: Ya, she's the only family that cares for me after everything had happened. I can talk to her on the phone, but my "father" always stops me from making them happen in private, so he always had a Pokémon watching me.

Delia: I should sue this guy!

Litty: Litten

Ash: Maybe that can happen later mom, for now let's just care for Stephanie and get her out of the hospital.

That was when the nurse then came back into the room.

Nurse: Your grandmother will be here in a few hours.

Stephanie: Ok thank you.

Chloe: Who is your grandmother anyway Stephanie?

Stephanie: Oh you'll see.

*Time Skip*

It was 2 hours later and everyone was talking amongst themselves while Stephanie was eating some decent food, unlike what she got from her father, she looked like she was gonna cry. That was when they all could hear the sound of screaming and running footsteps, then the door burst opened and a elderly woman stood there

???: Stephanie! Are you ok?!

Stephanie: Grandma!

Everyone looked at the door to see the old woman at the door, she had white hair and was wearing a pink and light green dress, a green had with black circle's, bracelets, purple puffs and had an umbrella.

Everyone looked at the door to see the old woman at the door, she had white hair and was wearing a pink and light green dress, a green had with black circle's, bracelets, purple puffs and had an umbrella

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Yet the unbelievable thing was...

Ash/Goh/Chloe: Miss Opal?!

Opal: Oh, it's you three again.

Stephanie: How do you know all know each other?

Opal: We met when I invited them to the gym sweetie, it's where I gave Chloe her Galarian Ponyta and Rapidash.

Mallow: So that's where you got those Pokémon.

Delia: So that means your also a Heartfilia then.

Opal: Of course.

Then Opal took out a pokeball and tossed it in the air, from it came a yellow and black Pokémon. It was a Mawile.

 It was a Mawile

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Mawile: Mawile.

Stephanie: Snaplette!

The Mawile, whose names was Snaplette, ran forward to the young girl, climbed up on the bed, with the help of Mewtwo, and hugged her.

Lana: That's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Stephanie: Snaplette's known me since I was young, she's basically like another guardian to me.

Opal: Now, Stephanie, why didn't you tell me about this sooner?

Goh: She was being watched like a Braviary, she couldn't talk to you about it on the phone.

Opal: That idiot, I knew he wasn't the right one for my daughter. But still, you could've gone the police.

Stephanie: I couldn't make things worse, plus the town already knew about this every time someone saw me they would give me these looks. I didn't know if it was because of the family status or something else.

Lillie: What do you mean by "Family-Status"? What makes the Heartfilia family so famous?

Both Heartfilia's looked at one another as well as their Pokémon, that was when Opal spoke and said something unbelievable.

Opal: The Heartfilia family are known to have the unique ability to harness the powers and the ability of any Pokémon existence.

Mewtwo's Trainer, Stephanie HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now