Chapter 28: Welcome To The Pokémon School

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Opal: Oh my... this is quite an impressive school. 

Mewtwo: It's quite beautiful as well.

Stephanie: *Giggles*

It was true, they all had just arrived at the Pokémon school and everyone who had not seen it before was in awe.

It was true, they all had just arrived at the Pokémon school and everyone who had not seen it before was in awe

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Delia: This is where the kids learn about Pokémon?

Professor Kukui: Yup, and it's an amazing place as well.

Heading inside the school, they were lead to a large room with multiple bunk-beds and a few windows that provided enough sunlight. There were a little sections for any type of Pokémon and even there was a baby cradle and crib next to one of the bottom bunks, most likely for Ember.

Huey: I call one o the top bunks! *Flies over*

Newtwo: Huey! *Follows Him*

Stephanie: Thank you professor, this is very kind of you. I'll make sure to return the favor.

Professor Kukui: Hey there's no need for that, you all go ahead and make yourselves comfortable.

Mewtwo: Good, because this little ghost is in need of a nap. *Flies to Crib*

Ash: Wait, ghost?

All heads turned to Mewtwo and his baby.

Lillie: I thought Ember was just a Physic type?

Mewtwo: That's what I though two but a few things kept happening while I was around her so I had to bring her to Professor Oak. Through there he told me he had been meaning to get into contact with me about something he found a while back about Ember. Turns out, when my blood sample was collected, the Genger DNA was also attached to it, meaning...

Chloe: Ember is a Ghost and Physic Type.

Mallow: Wow...

Lana: So, are you ok with this?

Mewtwo: Of course! Any other way, she's my daughter, and I am not letting her go, not now and not ever.

Stephanie: That is how to be a good father.

Professor: I'll leave you guys to settle in, tomorrow, is the first day of school!

Opal: Thank you sir.

Mewtwo's Trainer, Stephanie HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now