Chapter 22: Kids Run Into Alex

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Lillie: How did this happen?

Mallow: I don't know, but all I do know is that we need a way to slip out of here and fast.

Lana: And we better do it soon, he's coming.

Ash peered over the corner of the alleyway he was looking at and saw that the person was chasing them, closing in and that person, was Alex.

Alex: Where are you, you brats?!


All six teens were getting groceries and other necessary things for home and/or Stephanie, as well as Ember. She had just started her teething stage, and they found this out when Ember tried to bite down onto her father's hand.

Goh: We have enough of the baby supplies and other groceries, anything else we still need?

Lillie: No that's it, apart from-

Ash then suddenly pushed them all behind a long bench in a crouched position.

Mallow: Ash, what the?!

Ash: Shhh, look!

Everyone looked and saw Stephanie's father, Alex with his Hitmonchan and his Serviper with him. That was when his Hitmonchan spotted them while they were hiding

Hitmonchan: Hitmon!

Chloe: Run!

*Present Time*

Alex: Where are you, you brats?!

Ash: What do we do?

Lillie: I don't know.

Lana decided on something quickly, she released her Primarina and ran out the alleyway along with it and yelled in Alex's direction..

Lana: Primarina, use Ice beam at them, quickly!

Alex: What?

Primarina: Pri-ma-ri!

The attack was a solid hit, giving everyone a chance to escape, much to Alex's disappointment.

Alex: You kids can't hide forever, I will find you one day, and one day soon!

The kids made it safely back home to Ash's house where they saw Sugar and Majesty soaking in some sunlight with Huey.

Huey: Ash, you're-

They all dashed passed them

Huey: Back?

Majesty: Vespi?

Sugar: Alcremie?

Knocking rapidly and franticly on the door, it was opened by Petal, a Roselia  and Fantasia, a Zoroak. Before they could even question them, the kids barged in and slammed the door shut and locking it. They all turned and saw Stephanie, her Pokémon, Delia, Opal, the Two's and Mew looking at the with confused faces.

Delia: What happened?

Goh: We ran into Alex!

Stephanie: What?! *Stands Up*

Chloe: We managed to lose him, but we don't know how long until he finds the house.

Mewtwo: Ok, we need a new plan, even with all our powers to the max, we're still not going to be able to hide from this guy.

Mallow: Which is why we came up with an idea.

Newtwo: Which is?

Lillie/Lana/Mallow: A trip to Alola!

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