Chapter 21: Meeting Goh's and Chloe's Families

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Hydra: *Purrs* *Cuddles With Stephanie*

Stephanie: You wanted hugs as a Dratini and now you want more hugs as a Dragonair, huh?

Lana: Guess that means she's getting used to her evolved form.

Stephanie: Suppose so-

Goh: Catch her, don't let her out!

Both girls turned and saw nearly everyone trying to catch a floating Ember, she started flying just yesterday, and she's been giving a headache to everyone in the household, especially Mewtwo.

Newtwo: Got her- woah! *Crashes Into Wall*

Huey: Mama!

Ember: *Giggles*

Mewtwo: You come here little missy!

Ember: *Blows Raspberry*

Mallow: Can you girls help us out a bit maybe please?

Stephanie: Ok, Melody, come on out!

Saying that, she tossed up one of her pokeballs and out came her Jigglypuff Melody.

Melody: Jiggly!

Stephanie then closed her eyes, focusing her energy and then pink swirls of magic wrapped around her, when it dies down, Lana saw that she had become a Jigglypuff herself.

Stephanie then closed her eyes, focusing her energy and then pink swirls of magic wrapped around her, when it dies down, Lana saw that she had become a Jigglypuff herself

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Lana: Wow~

Stephanie: Ya, I know, amazing. Ok, now you all cover your ears. Ok Melody, sleep song.

*Literally 2 Seconds Later*

Mewtwo: *Sigh* Thank you both, that was just what we needed.

Ember was the only one who wasn't covering her ears, so once she heard the sleep song, she was out cold. Mewtwo was currently holding her while thanking Melody and Stephanie, who had turned back to normal.

Stephanie: Hey it's no trouble-

*Ding Ding*

Everyone turned and faced the front door, the doorbell had just rung and that caused everyone to get suspicious. Delia wasn't going to be back till the evening and Opal was busy training her Pokémon and running the gym.

Ash: Let me do this.

Ash walked forward with Pikachu my his side and everyone else was ready just in case, while the Two's, Mew and Stephanie were hiding in the kitchen. Ash arrived at the door and asked..

Ash: Who is it?

???: Ash, is that you? Is Goh in there?

???: Is Chloe there too?

Chloe: False alarm.

Ash opened the door and was revealed to be Goh and Chloe's families.

Ash opened the door and was revealed to be Goh and Chloe's families

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Ash: What are you all doing here?

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Ash: What are you all doing here?

Camille: We heard that something came up around here and we all decided to come and see if our children were ok.

Walker: Goh, are you alright?

Goh: Don't worry dad, I'm alright.

Cinderace: Cinderace!

Grookey: Grookey!

Talia: What about you Chloe?

Chloe: Mom, I'm fine..

Eevee: Eevee.

Professor Cerise: You-

Stephanie: Mew, quit it!

Mewtwo: That's my tail

Huey: Look out!

Everyone turned and saw that Stephanie, Mew, the Two's, Huey and Ember fell from behind the kitchen wall and landed on the floor. Except for Ember who Mewtwo was just holding above his head to make sure she didn't hurt herself.

Parker: What?

Newto: Uh... hi?


After a few hours of an explanation, the families agreed to keep this all a secret for their and their children's sake. While although professor Cerise tried to study the Two's, Stephanie wouldn't have that.

The two families left and things were better again, but elsewhere, things were just beginning to take a turn. A small hidden opening was where a few presences were held.

???: She needs us, it's only a matter of time.

???: I agree with the our young one, that girl is like one of us.

???: We knew her mother and we treat her as our daughter.

???: Then let us help her, contact all others, we will need then.

The four divided into four different directions, each heading to different places, and whatever they decided, was either good or bad for the one girl they were talking about.

Stephanie Heartfilia.

Mewtwo's Trainer, Stephanie HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now