Chapter 3: Frantic Pokémon At The Door!!!

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When Delia opened the door, there stood about 4 different Pokémon, each looking frantic and scared. There was a Litleo, a Dirtini, a Misdreavus and a Jigglypuff.

 There was a Litleo, a Dirtini, a Misdreavus and a Jigglypuff

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Chloe: Where did these Pokémon come from?!

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Chloe: Where did these Pokémon come from?!

The four Pokémon started to talk the kids Pokémon, but since they all were talking so quickly, panickily and scared, none of them could make out what was happening.

Litleo: Litleo litleo liteo leo!

Dartini: Tini tinit dar dartini!

Pikachu: Pika pika?

Grookey: Grookey? Key Key?

Huey: What are they saying?

Lucario: Luca?

Newtwo: There talking to quickly, we can't make it out.

Tsareena: Tsa Tsareena.

While everyone tried to calm down the four unknown Pokémon, Mewtwo, who had been in the corner and quiet this whole time then came forward.

Mewtwo: Breath, take it easy...

Misdreavus: Dreavus?

Mewtwo: Where is she?

While they were talking, everyone was confused, unaware of what Mewtwo was doing or how he knew these Pokémon.

Lana: What is he doing?

Ash: Honestly, no clue.

Newtwo: This is the first time I've seen him like this..

Mew: Mew mew mew.

Huey: Should we ask him?

Lillie: Uh guys, I don't think we can ask him that...

Goh: Why?

Lillie: Because he's gone *Points*....

Everyone turned and saw Lilli was right, Mewtwo and the four Pokémon were gone!

Mewtwo's Trainer, Stephanie HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now