The Beginning

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This was it.

Today was the day I moved to Monaco for a year with my best friend. We had been studying dentistry together for the past three years in Glasgow before deciding to take a year abroad and landing on Monte Carlo as our choice of placement.

I dragged myself out of bed and checked the time on my phone. 08:07. Even though my flight was at quarter past two in the afternoon, my dad insisted we had to leave for the airport 4 hours before just in case there was any traffic; the car breaks down; can't find a parking space; security was busy and so the list goes on.

I shuffled out of my room and into the bathroom, shocked at the rat's nest that had formed on my head overnight from tossing and turning in my sleep. I took a long shower letting my body relax as the hair mask worked the knots out of my unruly hair, eventually vacating as my fingers started to wrinkle. I wrapped myself and my hair in a towel before packing up the rest of my toiletries I would be taking with me.

After blow drying and straightening my hair and leaving the appliances to cool I threw on the outfit I had laid out last night.

After blow drying and straightening my hair and leaving the appliances to cool I threw on the outfit I had laid out last night

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Comfortable enough to be travelling and unpacking yet stylish enough not to stand out in Monaco, perfectly planned.

Eventually I began running through my mental checklist ensuring I had everything I needed.

- Passport - check

- Boarding pass - check

- Phone - check

- Chargers - check

- Carry on - check

- Suitcase - check

Luckily my parents had organised for 2 large boxes of my belongings to be shipped over 2 weeks ago and stored until I got there so I had minimal luggage to haul around today. I then checked my phone for the time. 9.56. 4 minutes ahead of my father's schedule.

*1 unread message*


Eeeekk I'm so excited, can't believe we're moving to Monaco today!!!


                                      Omg I know, can't wait to have a glass of wine in our little apartment tonight!! 

I lugged my suitcase downstairs before my dad loaded it into the back of his car.

"All ready?" he asked

"I think so, I've done all my checks so hopefully nothing's missed" I laughed holding up my crossed fingers

He pulled me into a rib crushing hug and kissed the top of my head

"You'll be fine" he reassured me as I felt the tears welling in my eyes

"I know I will" I smiled "but will mum be?" I laughed as she stood blubbering at the front door.

"I'm just going to miss you" she choked out through sobs as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders

"I know, and I'm going to miss you both as well. You're always welcome for a little holiday weekend in Monaco, maybe a trip to Nice is on the cards as well" I joked trying to cheer her up as she smiled and nodded unconvincingly.

We all loaded into the car and headed to the airport. We soon arrived and met up with Emma and her family at the entrance, her mother looking to be in the same state as mine. Keeping things brief to prevent any further meltdowns we said our goodbyes and headed to security just the two of us.

"Ready?" Emma quizzed

"So ready" 

After making our way through the crowds at security we stopped to get ourselves some snacks for the plane.

"You know, I've never been a fan of Red Bull" Emma pondered as I scanned a can at the checkout

"Hmm how so?" I replied

"Just never seen the appeal"

"Well I'm sure that'll change after living with me for the next year"

Not long after, our flight was called for boarding and we got ourselves settled in our seats.

"Monaco here we come" Emma laughed as she squeezed my hand

~ Author's note ~

Just a quick intro chapter to set the scene, hope you all enjoyed :)

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