Clean Slate

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The next day Emma and I were getting ready to go for our lunch with Aimée to clear the air over our past differences and hopefully start afresh.

"You ready?" I shouted down the corridor to Emma before she appeared in the kitchen
"As ready as I'll ever be" she huffed
"Come on, we've all made mistakes, today is about forgiveness and moving on and all being friends" I cheerily tried to motivate her
"Okay but if she calls you bestie, I'm gone. I will genuinely get up and leave the table" she glared
"I know you will" I laughed "let's go"

We locked up the apartment and made our way to the small restaurant to find Aimée stood outside, waiting for us. I greeted her with a hug and encouraged Em to do the same before we went inside and were sat at our table. It wasn't long before the waiter came over to take our drinks order

"I think we need some alcohol to loosen us up a bit" Aimée suggested and we both agreed "Nous voulons une bouteille de Pinot Grigio s'il vous plaît" she ordered for us and we thanked the waiter when he returned a couple of minutes later and filled up our glasses

We all took large sips of our drinks before we started our conversation

"Why don't we just say what we're all feeling and get it out in the open so we can-" I started to suggest before Aimée interrupted
"I hate Julietta and I always have" Aimée rushed out
"Well that was easy" Em laughed "why were you friends with her then?" She quizzed
"I thought it would be better to be friends rather than be on her bad side because I've seen what she can do to people" Aimée explained
"Smart thinking" I nodded
"I would probably do the same" Emma added
"Did you know she was Charles' ex?" I asked
"I didn't have a clue, I'm really sorry. If I did you I absolutely would have told you both. I really thought she was just jealous because you were with a Formula 1 driver not a scorned lover."
"Okay let's not use the term lover, I don't want to think about the loving part" I cringed thinking of Charles' past relationships "Let's all agree to start afresh. A clean state" I smiled and we all cheersed our glasses

We all had a really good chat over our meal and discovered we had a lot in common with Aimée and we decided to go forward as a threesome both in university and in our personal lives.

"Oh I've just had a text from Arthur asking if we want to go back to his and Charles' apartment, if you guys want to come along?" Aimée asked us
"Obviously I'm fine with that but it's up to you Ems" I laughed
"Do they have alcohol?" She asked and we nodded "then I'm sure I can put up with fifth wheeling if there's a fully stocked bar"

We paid our bill and waited outside for Arthur to pick us up, soon arriving and taking us back to the apartment. Charles was there to greet us all and took us through to the kitchen to start making drinks. We all gathered around the sofa making some small talk about our lunch and sorting out all our past issues

"Does anyone want to play a game?" Arthur asked
"Alright calm down Jigsaw" Emma laughed and I joined in with her whilst the others looked at us, confused
"Jigsaw, like the wee guy from Saw? 'Wanna play a game?'" I explained and they finally got the joke
"Not as funny when it needs explained, is it?" Em asked me
"Nah definitely not" I answered "but go on then Arthur, what's your suggestion?"
"Never have I ever?" He replied and the rest of us groaned "what?" He asked in response
"You can tell you're the baby of the group. Babies pick baby games like truth or dare or never have I ever" Emma teased him
"You really don't hold back" he laughed
"Well you need someone to bully you sometimes to keep you grounded" I laughed "and Em is 100% the person to do that for you"

Arthur started off with a couple of easy questions to get us going before we went round the group a couple of times. All of us were starting to feel rather tipsy when Aimée popped a difficult question

"Never have I ever sent nudes"

I froze and felt Charles and Emma's eyes on me as the ice in my drink began to rattle with my shaking hands. My heart rate and breathing quickened as the seconds felt like hours and the panic started to settle in

"Oh my god, who hasn't" Emma declared and took a large gulp of her drink, finishing it off whilst doing so "oh I'm empty, Jen come help me find the good stuff Charles has been hiding"

She jumped up off the couch and took my hand as she pulled me through in to the kitchen behind her

"Right, palms on the counter, close your eyes and deep breaths" she directed me as we entered the kitchen sensing my incoming panic attack and I followed her instructions
"Do you need a hug or no touching?" She asked
"No touching please" I whispered trying to control my breathing
"Okay take your time, I'll just be here pouring the largest vodka measure known to man" she replied as I heard her long pour into her glass and began to laugh

Once I felt a bit more in control I folded my arms and rested my head against my forearms and took my last few deep breaths before turning to Emma and her ridiculously large glass of vodka

"Better?" She asked and I nodded "Good. Now let's find me some mixers"

She raided the fridge pulling out a carton of orange juice and cranberry juice, pouring equal measures into her glass right up to the brim before taking a sip

"Okay I may have made a mistake" she coughed
"You need to learn to deal with the consequences of your actions Miss Smith" I laughed as we headed back through to join the others

"Who's asking next?" I quizzed when we sat back down
"We've given up with the games, they get a bit boring after a while" Charles answered as he wrapped his arm around my waist and gave it a small squeeze

I was internally thanking him for stopping the drinking game so we wouldn't have to deal with anymore panic attack inducing questions

"So you girls are here until May, what are your plans for your final year after that?" Aimée asked again

I spoke too soon.

I felt Charles stiffen beside me as his grip tightened on my waist but all I could do was look to Emma who had the same facial expression as I did.
A mixture of fear, regret and sadness.

Never did we once think we would move over to Monaco and settle into serious relationships with men that travelled the globe for their day job. So extending our placement abroad to cover our final year had never occurred to us. And it was not an easy task to complete

"We hadn't actually planned that far in advance now I think about it" I responded, stirring the remnants of alcohol in my glass as I tried to ignore the burning stare from Charles sat next to me
"It would be really nice to have to you both here all the way through to the end but I know how difficult universities can be about it" Aimée spoke, still not catching on to the tense atmosphere that was now surrounding us
"Yeah" I replied quietly

~ Author's note ~

So we're all good friends starting it all afresh but is Aimée already muddying the waters between Jen and Charles?
What will Jen and Emma do?

A little prezzie for you guys. Hope everyone has a lovely day spending time with friends and family and being merry 🥳❄️

Love you all loads ❤️❤️❤️

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