School's Out For Summer

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As we sat in the car on the way to the airport, I was struck with the feeling I had forgotten something. I rifled through my bag checking that I had everything

- phone
- purse
- passport
- keys

What was I forgetting?

"Everything okay?" Charles asked after seeing my panicked expression
"Yeah, I just feel like I've left something back at the hotel" I continued searching until it dawned upon me "oh my god Charles"
"What?" He asked, now also panicking
"We forgot Arthur" I stared at him with wide eyes and he couldn't hold back his laughter "It's not funny Charles" I shoved him lightly, struggling to contain my laughs "we need to go back"
"He'll be fine, he's 21 now, he can manage himself" he continued to joke
"I'm not having a Home Alone 7: Lost in Budapest scenario here" I huffed and Charles finally directed the driver back to the hotel

Around 20 minutes later we were pulling back up in front of the hotel we hadn't long left and Emma was stood outside with Max loading their suitcases into the car

"I thought you guys had already left for the airport?" Emma asked us with a confused look on her face
"Oh yeah, we did but I think I forgot something" I replied when Arthur came out of the hotel doors
"Oh my god" she laughed catching on to the situation
"Don't say a word" I warned her, my face reddening "I feel bad enough as it is"
"Hey guys!" Arthur greeted us "good timing, are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, all packed up, let's head home" I smiled, trying to cover up my embarrassment

Soon enough we were back on the road and arriving at the airport and I made a mental note to add Arthur on to my checklist of items not to forget for next time. By the time we arrived and checked in, the jet was ready for us to board and we all settled in to our seats. Straight after lift off, I made myself comfortable in the seat and attempted to sleep off the lingering hangover until we landed at the other end.

- -

I woke up with a jolt, embarrassed that I may have snored myself awake in front of everyone on a private jet. But when I looked around, I wasn't on a plane, I was in a bed. My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and I realised that the figure next to me was Charles and we were in his bedroom.

Charles began to stir next to me and pulled me back in towards him, wrapping his arm around my chest and leaning his chin on my head and I followed his actions, snuggling back in to him and closing my eyes again.

- -

The next few days had been full of domestic bliss, I hadn't left Charles and Arthur's apartment since we got back. We had spent all our days together, recovering from the first half of the season and Charles had informed me of our plans for the next couple of weeks.

But today, I was seeing Aimée to go to the Dean for our meeting about Julietta. Charles also had plans today however he hadn't told me much about them since he didn't want to distract me from mine.

I finally returned to Emma and I's apartment to get ready for today. I had already showered at Charles' and so all I had to do was curl my hair, put on some makeup and get changed before I headed back out again. The nerves in my stomach caused it to twist and turn as I walked to the university building, gripping on to my phone and ID like my life depended on never losing them.

When I arrived Aimée was already stood outside with Arthur and I greeted her with an awkward half hug before we left Arthur to go inside.

. . .


I'm glad that was over. The Dean must have thought we were absolutely crazy with the amount of drama our lives entailed and the ridiculous number of links we had to Formula 1. Emma had sent over an essay of an email to the Dean prior to our meeting so he now had three accounts of Julietta's harassment and for that I was thankful. He had informed us that he intended to have a meeting with Julietta herself to address all of our statements and that he would be in touch.

Arthur picked us both up from where he had met us outside the university and took us back to the apartment. I had taken all my things back to my apartment when I returned earlier in the day so I changed into one of Charles' hoodies and a pair of his joggers and made myself comfortable on the couch with Arthur and Aimée.

We spent the next few hours watching Friends, in French, with the English subtitles on for me whilst the new couple helped with my pronunciation. I honestly felt like Joey when Phoebe tried to teach him French.

Charles had gotten back in to the apartment just as we were laughing at my poor attempt at an accent. A smile stretched across his lips as he leant over the back of the couch and pressed a kiss to my forehead

"Can we talk?" He asked quietly out of earshot of Arthur and Aimée

I nodded and followed him through to his bedroom, fiddling with the ties of the hoodie I was wearing. He shut the door behind us and sat on the bed, ushering me to stand in between his legs as he wrapped his hands around the back of my thighs, holding me in place

"So going forward, do we agree to be 100% truthful with each other?" He asked looking up at me and I nod again "I'll go first, I met up with Julietta today"
"Oh" I let out quietly, trying to hide my hurt
"No no no, not like that" he tilted my head back up to meet his eyes "I met up to tell her we were over, completely, I would never ever get back with her because you're my one and only Jen. I wanted to give her complete closure so she can leave all of us alone"
"How did she take it?" I ask in a whisper
"Pretty badly" he laughed and I smiled "but I think she's gets it now"

My arms tightened around his shoulders and I pulled him in to my chest, wrapping him in a hug

"You were right Jen, for us to work, we need to work on ourselves first. Clear out all the skeletons from our closets and be open with each other" He spoke
"Well in that case, I've got something to tell you" I held his hands in mine "I've had some dramas of my own that I didn't want to involve you in as it would only hurt you"
"Is it about you and Mick?" He asked sheepishly
"There is no me and Mick" I laughed "there never was and never will be a me and Mick, there's only you Charles"

I proceeded to tell Charles the entire story, beginning to end, about what occurred with Adam and how Pierre and Rebecca helped me deal with it all and sort it for good. We both felt such relief getting all our secrets off our chests and spent the rest of the night in the living room, getting to know Aimée better sans drama.

When Charles and I settled in to bed for the night, it felt different. I don't know how to explain it, it just felt lighter. Like there was nothing to hide between the two of us now. And I hope it stayed that way.

"So Em's back on Monday?" He asked, running his fingers through my hair as I nodded into his chest "Okay, how does going away on Thursday sound?"
"Amazing" I smiled, pressing my lips to his

We were eventually getting to spend a break together with no fall outs and I couldn't be happier to get us back on track, spending every moment we can together.

~ Author's note ~

Sorry it's just a filler chapter :((
I'm looking to start to wind down the story to a nice happy ending now the 2022 season is over 😢

Also 200k reads wtf, that's mad. Thank you guys so much for all the love 🥰

Love you all ridiculous amounts ❤️

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