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Charles and I woke up early the next morning, laying in the bed as sun streamed through a gap in the curtain, both of us entangled in each other's arms. I lay my head on his chest, feeling it rise and fall with every breath he took, almost rocking me back to sleep.

I thought back to this time last week, boarding the train to Nice to fly over here and hear Charles out. The events of Canada seemed like a distant memory, given everything that had happened since that point.

Charles' fingers tracing patterns on the small of my back pulled me out of my thoughts and back into reality. I switched my position on his chest so I could face him and a sleepy smile twitched at the corners of his lips

"Morning" I greeted him
"Good morning" he smiled back, his heavy eyes struggling to stay open
"What are your plans for today?" I asked, unsure of mine as Emma and I didn't really have time to think things through before she agreed to jumping on a private jet free of charge

I watched on as Charles pondered over his itinerary for his next race, my late addition to the journey clearly throwing a spanner in the works for his plans.

"You're coming to Austria, yes?" I couldn't figure out if this was a question or a statement I had no choice in
"If you want me there, I'd love to come" I smiled back at him as he nodded affirming my decision "but I think I need to go back to Monaco first, my bank account can't take another hit this week from shopping" I laughed thinking about the new suitcase full of clothes lying in the other room
"Would you be okay flying back with Max and then over to Austria?" He asked
"Oh if I must" I held my hand to my forehead, feigning upset, causing Charles to chuckle "I hope you know I'm getting used to this life of luxury" I joked with him and he rolled his eyes in response pulling me in for a kiss

I collected my belongings from Charles' room and returned to mine to pack. I left out gym leggings and a hoodie to change in to and took a quick shower before putting on my travel outfit and zipping up my suitcases. Emma's clothes lay strewn across the room so I decided to be a good friend and pack her suitcase since I was stealing 3 private jet rides in the space of 2 weeks from her boyfriend. Boyfriend? Nah, her courter. Just as I was finished packing Emma's suitcase she came barging into the room

"Woah, everything alright?" I asked through a laugh, eyes focused on the bird's nest state of her hair
"I slept in again, we have 15 minutes until we need to leave" she puffed as she caught her breath
"Good thing I packed your stuff for you, go get ready"
"I knew there was a reason I picked you as a friend at freshers, you do actually come in handy" she smirked at me as I cackled at her joke

I used this time to go say my goodbyes to Charles, I knocked on his door and it opened to show Arthur on the other side of it and I pulled him in for a hug straight away

"Congrats on the win yesterday" I broke away from the embrace and pinched his cheeks as he tried to get away
"Stop, you're just like maman" he laughed as he swotted at my hands
"Now if you don't mind, I need a few minutes with that brother of yours" he quickly passed by me into the hall as I spoke, his eyes wide and cheeks flushed "not like that, dirty boy" I laughed shooing him away

Charles was packing the last of his toiletries into his suitcase as I shut the door, the sound making him turn to face me and a smile appearing on his face.

"Are you leaving?" He asked with an exaggerated pout
I looked at my watch for the time "10 minutes, Emma's still getting ready"
"You know what we could do in 10 minutes?" He smirked at me, his hands wrapping around my waist
"Absolutely not" I laughed "Arthur's just outside the door and I explicitly said we would not be doing that. Do not turn me into a liar Charles Leclerc"

I narrowed my eyes at him jokingly as he held his hands up in surrender, admitting defeat, before returning to the same position as before

"I'm going to miss you" he told me
"I'll be with you again on Wednesday, we'll only be apart for one day and I'm sure Ferrari will keep you busy" I smiled back
"I'll come pick you up at the airport, I want to see you the minute you land"
"You're so needy" I laughed, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck, pulling him down for a kiss before breaking away "Oh and don't forget" I paused "I love you" an uncontrollable smile breaking out on my face
"I love you" he placed another kiss on my lips

A knock at the door broke us away from our hug and I answered it to find Arthur wriggling restlessly on the spot

"I need to pee and Emma's waiting for you" he rushed his words, full of desperation
"I was just leaving anyway" I laughed, pulling Arthur in for another quick hug goodbye and waving to Charles before I raced down the corridor to meet Emma who was waiting with our three suitcases.

Max loaded our luggage into the car and drove us to the airport, handing his keys over to the man waiting and we made our way through the check in and straight to the plane. As we were sitting on the jet waiting for our turn to head to the runway I quickly called Charles to update him.

Yeah that's us on the plane now
Okay I'll see you on Wednesday, text me when you land
Okay, I love you, bye"

I put my phone down on the table in front of me to see Emma and Max staring at me wide eyed

"What?" I laughed as the looked at each other and then back to me, their expressions unwavering, they were literally the male and female versions of each other
"Love?" Max asked surprised
"When did the bloody 'I love you's happen?" Emma matched Max's level of surprise and my cheeks reddened
"It just sort of slipped out last night" I giggled nervously

Emma began to slow clap and Max joined in, quickly creating a round of applause, much to the flight staff's confusion and I gave them both the middle finger before picking up my phone to scroll, leaving them to their previous conversation

A few hours later we were back in Monaco and in the apartment. I was too tired after a day of travelling that I pushed off my packing until tomorrow and laid on the couch watching Netflix with Emma. After a couple of episodes of Friends, my phone pinged next to me

Arrived at the hotel in Austria
Feeling lonely 😢

You are a stage 5 clinger

Don't pack light because I'm not letting you leave me again until the summer break is over

Yes sir 🫡

Spending the next two months with Charles sent my heart into overdrive. My year started off as a total shitshow and now I'm getting to travel Europe with the person I love whilst he competes in Formula 1. You couldn't write it.

I went to bed that night with my heart full of love and mind full of plans for my time spent with Charles. If me from a year ago looked at me present time, she would be nauseated at these thoughts but I couldn't help it with Charles. I mean just look at him

Goodnight Charles ❤️
I love you

Goodnight Jen x
I love you

~ Author's note ~

Things are going well. Maybe too well?
Is there drama on the horizon?? 🙃

Hope you're enjoying xx

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