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Now came the difficult task of deciding whether or not to attend the race with the recent articles of Charles and I coming out. And if I did go, where would I watch the race from.

Emma and I got ready in my room before heading to her and Max's room

"So.." Emma started "I've been thinking-"
"Oh god, that's never good" I jokingly sighed
"Shut up" she laughed, shoving me before clearing her throat "As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, I've been thinking that we should take our fancy passes and watch the race from the VIP lounge today" she suggested as she waved her pass in my face
"Max really needs to lock you down because that face and brain combo is dangerous" I laughed
"Oh trust me, I'm working on that one" she winked back at me

By the time we made it to Emma's room, Max was ready to leave so she gathered her things she would need for the day and we headed out to the track.

Things had already started to get crazy at the track so Emma and I headed inside whilst Max met with fans. My nerves had me on edge for the entire journey to the VIP area, worried we would bump into someone on the way. Luckily we made it there with no interruptions and got settled in some seats out on the balcony overlooking the pit lane.

It wasn't long before we started seeing some activity in the pits and soon the drivers were taking their positions on the grid. We watched on as all the drivers battled it out, both Max and Charles doing well until Ferrari's strategy put him in the shit again. I'm pretty sure the pit wall could hear me cursing them from the balcony and I awaited the impending pit ban if I ever did return.

As Max won, the post race media and team celebrations would take much longer than usual so Emma and I took advantage of the complimentary champagne whilst we waited. After a couple of hours at the track, we were able to go back to the hotel and hurriedly got ready for our night out, proving difficult as we were slightly tipsy from the free alcohol.


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We arrived at the club much later than everyone else and were greeted by Luisa and Carmen straight away as they took us off to the side to get drinks

"We missed you both in the paddock today" Luisa pouted as she poured vodka into my cup followed by RedBull
"Well given everything that's happened this weekend, Emma thought we'd be best watching from the VIP lounge instead" I explained over the loud music as Luisa nodded before her eyes darted to something behind me then meeting my gaze again

I looked over my shoulder to try and find the cause of Luisa's panicked look when I locked eyes with Charles who had been staring over at us, quickly jerking back around to face her again

"Oh" I said, stirring my drink to mix the alcohol
"Yeah" Luisa smiled sympathetically
"JEENNNN" I heard someone scream next to my ear before wrapping their arms around my shoulders
"Lando you almost knocked the poor girl over, calm down" Luisa laughed as Lando released me from the hug
"Where the hell have you been loca?" Lando put on his best Taylor Lautner impression causing Luisa and I to burst out in laughter
"Didn't peg you as a Twilight fan but I guess you learn something new every day" I laughed brushing off his question
"Oh totally! Hashtag team Edward for life" he joked like a teenage girl

We spent the next hour or so chatting and drinking to celebrate Max's win, Charles and I occasionally catching each other's eye before quickly looking away. I felt someone sit down next to me in the booth and nerves immediately filled my body.

I turned to face the new figure beside me to find Mick smiling brightly back at me and the nerves dissipated
"Oh hi Mick" I smiled "How are you getting on?"
"Doing good, it's good to see you again. I thought I might have seen you at the race but I couldn't find you anywhere" he replied
"Oh yeah, Emma and I were in the VIP section today so we just missed out on seeing each other" I laughed
"Not feeling the pits today?" He joked before catching on to my saddened expression
"Well Charles and I are taking some time apart just now so I thought it would be best to have some space" I answered, stirring my drink with the straw
"You're not together anymore?" He asked, sounding almost excited possibly?
"We're just seeing how things go" I replied honestly
"In that case, I think you need some cheering up" he jumped up from the seat and held out his hand "May I have this dance" he asked jokingly in a formal manner
"Why yes, you may" I laughed back, placing my hand in his as he led me out to the dancefloor

Mick was a precious little soul who deserved someone that would make him happy every single day. But it definitely couldn't be me because it felt like I was dancing with my little brother as he twirled me around under his arm like dads do with their daughters. Our sides were aching from laughter and we were both tired after the one dance so we headed back to the VIP area.

I signalled to Emma to ask if she wanted another drink and made my way to the small drinks cart set up in the corner. As I was pouring out the vodka, I felt a presence coming up behind me, my eyes fluttering shut as I breathed in the familiar scent of his aftershave mixed with a strong hint of alcohol

"What was that?" He breathed down my neck, creating goosebumps all over my skin
I cleared my throat as I composed myself "What was what?" I played dumb about the situation, leaning over to pick up a can of RedBull from the back of the cart, brushing against him
"Don't do that" he hissed on an intake of breath, his fingertips tracing the waistband of my trousers as he held my hips in place
"Do what?" I continued to try and play dumb as my trembling hands struggled to open the tab on the can
"I know you were trying to make me jealous" he whispered "and it worked"
"N-no I. I-" I stammered before Charles interrupted me
"Do a shot with me." He said
"What?" I laughed in shock
"Do a shot with me" he repeated, now standing by my side pouring out two shots of tequila and grabbing salt and lime slices

I licked the back of my hand slightly to let the salt stick and signalled for Charles to do the same before he took the salt shaker from my hand and his tongue traced a line over the sensitive skin covering my collarbone, sprinkling salt on the now cooling stripe. I stared at my shot in disbelief when his index finger lifted my chin to lock eyes with his

"We agreed seven years" he spoke as he clinked shot glasses

I quickly licked the salt off my hand and took the shot as Charles did the same, his tongue lightly dragging along my skin, leaving a delicate kiss before taking his shot. I took a bite of my lime as the tequila started to burn, offering Charles his wedge as he was still to take it

"Why aren't you-" I began to ask before he desperately pressed his lips to mine

I instinctively wrapped my arms around his shoulders to pull him closer as the alcohol scrubbed away every thought in my mind about this being a bad idea, even though it definitely was.
The kiss deepened as I ran my tongue along his lip, having missed this feeling over the past two days. We soon pulled away and stared at each other breathlessly

"Charles, I-" I tried to find my words
"Don't" he stopped me "Let's go"

I quickly agreed and downed the two drinks I had poured out for a little more Dutch courage, and also in the hope I wouldn't realise the mistake I was making. I returned to the booth to collect my bag and jacket, and to find Emma to let her know I was leaving

"Hey Em" I interrupted her and Max's conversation "I don't feel too great so I'm just going to head back to the hotel" I blatantly lied to her
"I thought you were getting us a drink" she frowned back at me as I began to walk away
"Sorry Em, I'll text you tomorrow" I shouted before running away from her questioning glare

I stumbled in to Charles who linked his fingers with mine and led me out the door, through the crowd of paparazzi and in to the waiting car.

I knew I would regret this tomorrow but for now, I just couldn't help myself.

~ Author's note ~

So does drunk Jen make good or bad decision?
Is it the right thing to do when they're meant to be on a break??

Thank you guys for all the love on the story recently, I've had literally hundreds of notifications over the last couple of days and it's mental for me to think how many people are enjoying the story ☺️☺️

Love you all loads xoxox ❤️❤️❤️

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