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This chapter is a bit smutty so if that's not your thing just skip to the next one 😘

There were still paparazzi outside the hotel despite the late hour we arrived back. I hid my face from the flashes as Charles led us through the pack. I couldn't wait for the summer break in hope that some of the pandemonium would calm down however it just seemed to increase from one location to the next.

Drunken giggles escaped my lips as Charles' latched on to my neck the moment the elevator doors closed. We hadn't spoken a word to each other since we left the club, I was worried what would come out due to my inebriated state so I kept quiet.

The elevator chime indicated we had reached our floor and Charles detached himself from me before grabbing my hand and dragging me along the corridor behind him. He swiped his key card and led me into the room. My chest automatically tightened as I recognised our room and my heart began to pound harder than it already had been.

What was I thinking?

I stood at the door and contemplated stopping all of this before it started. You're on a break. You should not be sleeping with each other. This is a BAD idea. All of these sudden thoughts filled my alcohol fuelled brain, trying to pierce through the fog. I watched on as Charles unbuttoned his dress shirt, throwing it over the chair in the corner.

Oh. Yeah. That's what I was thinking.
Enjoy yourself because it might be the last chance you get to experience this. Let sober Jen deal with the hangover and your consequences because drunk Jen's here for a good time. My inner conflict raged on as I followed Charles' lead and stripped off my jacket and bag, placing them on the desk before he pulled me towards him.

I stood between his legs as he sat on the bed. My eyes scanned over his face, pausing to take in every feature. His intense expression softened the longer we stared at each other

"Is everything okay?" Charles asked sympathetically

His quiet words snapped me out of my trance and I quickly nodded to reassure him. This gave him the signal to press his lips against mine, teasingly pulling away and leaving me desperate for more.

"Don't do that" I pouted jokingly at him as he smirked
"Do what?" He asked, repeating my question from our earlier interaction to which I rolled my eyes

His fingers began to undo the button on trousers before I stopped him

"Charles, are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked apprehensively
"Why would it not be a good idea? You're my girlfriend?" He replied matter of factly
"Well we're supposed to be on a break" I spoke quietly
"Sorry but the break was a stupid idea" he laughed and I couldn't help but smile "we literally couldn't stay apart from each other for a full 24 hours. Let me prove to you how much I love you, how much you mean to me. Please Jen" he pleaded and I nodded in confirmation

And with that our lips met again, different from our previous lust driven kisses, exchanged for light kisses, full of love. Charles made quick work of removing my outfit, leaving me only in my underwear as he removed his trousers as well. We flipped our positions so now he was hovering over me, lips leaving a trail of kisses along my neck. He teasingly dragged my underwear down my legs before he slowly entered me, rocking his hips a few times to allow me to adjust.

His forehead pressed against mine, our hot heavy breaths intertwining as he inserted his full length, thrust after thrust.

"Charles?" I broke the silence
"Mmm?" He breathed out, concentrating on his rhythm
"I love you. Always have, always will." I whispered

He held my cheek in the palm of his hand, his thumb wiping away the stray tear that escaped my eye

"You have my whole heart Jennifer Walker. I'm yours, and you're mine"

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