Shopping Sprees

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As we walked down the corridor we spotted Pierre leaving his room looking a little worse for wear.

"Pierre" Charles shouted down the hall, his accent strong as it echoed against the walls
"Aww the lovebirds are back together again" he cooed "How was the make up sex?"

I quickly glanced at Charles in a panic. Was it that obvious? He stared straight ahead at Pierre before breaking into a laugh

"Mate come on" he smiled at his friend
"I'm only kidding" Pierre hugged me and rustled my hair like I was his little sister, causing me to push him away jokingly and try to fix the mess he had made "I was just going over to Lando's for a game of FIFA, do you want to come?" He asked Charles

Charles looked down at me for an answer, clearly hesitant to leave me so soon after we had reconciled

"You don't need permission from me" I laughed "Go have fun and relax, I'll find Emma and we'll go shopping or something. Lots to fill her in about"
"What like how Charles filled you in" Pierre smirked at his joke, clearly still feeling the effects of the alcohol from the other night
"Pierre." Charles and I warned in unison, glaring at him
"What? I'm kidding! But the lady doth protest too much" he laughed at his own joke again
"Stop quoting Shakespeare and go play your little football game" I shooed him down the corridor and we all entered the lift together

The lift reached the ground floor and I kissed Charles goodbye as he and Pierre went out to the car and I started to look for Emma. My search didn't take long as I found her sitting in an armchair just off of reception scrolling on her phone. She darted out of her chair and straight over to me as soon as she saw me walk over, taking me back to where she had been sitting in.

"Did you sort everything? What happened? Are you and Charles together or..?" She fired questions at me
"Yeah we managed to talk things through and he explained his side and apologised for how it all looked so we're back on good terms" I answered all of her questions in the one go "Can we get food and go shopping?" I asked knowing she would instantly agree to our two favourite pastimes
"Yeah let me go get changed then we can head" she replied and we made our way back to the room

Emma slipped the keycard in to the door and it automatically unlocked, she headed through the door and straight to the bed, ready to face plant the duvet like she always did

"Oh Em!" I stopped her right at the foot of the bed, hearing the door close behind us
"What?" She asked confused at my sudden outburst
"I maybe wouldn't put my face on that if I were you" I warned her lightly
"What? Why?" Her head turning between me and the bed before she connected the dots "You didn't!" She laughed as I nodded in reply, my cheeks turning scarlet "Yes girl, get it!" She continued laughing and I soon joined her "But I am not sleeping in that tonight" she pointed to the bed
"Yeah that's fair" I laughed "I'm sure Max won't mind you in his bed" I raised my eyebrows at her
"I can't believe you had to be so selfish and sleep with your own boyfriend and now my long lies have been ripped away from me" she jokingly threw her hands in the air
"Shut up" I rolled my eyes laughing at her before starting to unpack my clothes.

Emma had packed my suitcase with comfort in mind, only leaving oversized tshirts and leggings as my remaining outfit options for the week so a shopping trip was desperately needed if I was going to be attending the race and lead up over the next couple of days. Emma was soon ready and we headed to the underground, surprisingly yearning for a bit of normality today after our trip on a private jet this morning. We made it to Oxford Street and shopped our way along, trying to form outfits from pieces in every store we visited, the bank account taking quite a severe hit today. I had finally bought enough clothes to last me for the events throughout the week, including dinner with my parents on Thursday, before coming to the realisation that none of the clothes would fit in the small carry on suitcase that I had brought over, resorting to buying another small suitcase purely for today's purchases.

The events of yesterday and today had caught up with both Emma and I, only wanting to grab a McDonald's on the way back to the hotel and watch rubbish British reality TV shows in bed like we had done living at home. As soon as we got in to our room, I dumped my new suitcase filled with clothes in the corner next to my old one and collapsed on the bed with my bag of food whilst Emma stood at the side unsure of where was safe to place herself.

"Oh come on" I laughed pulling the blanket off of the chair next to the bed and covering half of the duvet which she reluctantly sat on "you've definitely sat on worse, even just on the tube today" and she laughed as well, flicking through the TV channels as she ate her nuggets.

It reached 9 o'clock and we were both almost falling asleep as we waited for Love Island to start, unable to keep our eyes open for longer than a minute at a time. Right on cue we heard a knock at the door and I prised myself out of bed to answer it, finding both Max and Charles looking as tired as we felt. Emma and I cleared up our rubbish before gathering some essentials we would need for tonight and tomorrow morning and heading to our partners rooms, deciding to keep our room as a space for us getting ready.

When Charles and I entered his room, I went straight to the bathroom, placing my belongings on the worktop before taking my makeup off and brushing my teeth. As I went to change into my pyjamas I looked down at the top I had picked up from my suitcase and saw it was the top Charles had given me to wear home after I had stayed at his house. I pulled it over my head and even though it had been washed I could still smell his familiar scent on it, reminding myself to steal more of his tshirts for when he was away again.

I left the bathroom and Charles was already in bed, waiting for me to join him and I crawled in beside him, nestling my way into his side

"Nice top" he smiled sleepily
"Thanks, my boyfriend gave me it" I chuckled

~ Author's note ~

Thank you for all the reads and votes on the last couple of chapters, it really means a lot that you're liking the story so far :)
Over 10k reads, that's mad, thank you xx

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