Let's Go Racing

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Emma and I awoke to the sound of banging on the hotel room door and I groggily got up from the bed to answer it. I found Max standing at the door looking stressed, just the usual for him on race day.

"Why do you still look like that?" he gestured to Charles' tshirt and my shorts I had used as pyjamas last night and I looked at him, insulted, before he moved me to the side, entering the room
"Come on in Max, make yourself at home" I rolled my eyes sarcastically "I love having my private space invaded this early in the morning"
"It's not early, it's half nine! You're both supposed to be ready and leaving for the track right now" he ran his hand through his hair as Emma rose from her slumber
"Max, why are you here so early?" she asked through a yawn
"I can't deal with the both of you like this" he stormed towards the door "Get up and get ready, I'll have a car come pick you up in an hour" he said shutting the door behind him

Emma and I turned our gaze towards each before bursting in to laughter, feeling like two schoolgirls that had just been told off by their teacher

"This is not funny, stop laughing and get ready" Max shouted through the door causing our hysterics to worsen
"I suppose we should get ready" Emma sighed, gripping her sides as they ached from laughing

She went in for a shower first as I searched for an outfit from the bags of shopping we had purchased a few days earlier, suddenly startled by a knock at the door, if this was Max coming to tell us off again he was about to get an earful. However I was pleasantly surprised to see my boyfriend leaning against the doorframe, tanned skin contrasting against the red of his Ferrari polo and his brown hair sitting perfectly in his signature messy style

"You're not dressed?" he questioned, his eyebrows furrowed into a concerned expression
"I slept in, just about to get ready" I smiled as I was still taking in his appearance and that didn't go unnoticed by him as he moved closer to me, the door shutting behind him as he backed me against the wall

We both stared at each other, just appreciating being close together as we had spent the last few hours apart

"I missed you last night" he breathed out, moving the stray hairs away from my face
"You did?" I asked knowingly "and what did you get up to when I was gone?" my flirtatious words spilling out before I had the chance to stop them, Charles' brow raising at my forward approach
"I'll show you tonight" he spoke into my neck, nipping at the skin I had stretched to expose, drinking in the feeling of his lips on me.

He worked his way up my neck and along my jaw, finally finding my lips and placing slow delicate kisses on them. Every fibre of my being refraining from jumping on him right there and then, instead enjoying the tease that would only heighten the intensity of tonight. However Charles' will power wasn't as strong, his hands wandering under the hem of my baggy tshirt and playing with the elastic waistband on my shorts until I grabbed his hand, ceasing the movement.

"Emma's in the bathroom" his cheeks flushed pink as he attempted to gather his racing thoughts "save it for tonight" I gave him a peck on the lips
"How long will you be?" He looked at his watch
"Max has organised a car to come and get us in an hour so you head off and I'll meet you at the track" I followed Charles as he headed back towards the door
"Don't be long, I need you with me" he kissed me on the forehead before disappearing down the corridor.

Once Emma was finished, I quickly showered then dried and straightened my hair, applied makeup and put on the outfit I had picked out earlier and we still had 5 minutes to spare before the car arrived to pick us up.


Liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 7854 others London calling ☎️charles_leclerc ma chéri amour ❤️- emmasmithh what a flirt 🤣   - jenwalker @emmasmithh grow up 🙄

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Liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 7854 others
London calling ☎️
charles_leclerc ma chéri amour ❤️
- emmasmithh what a flirt 🤣
- jenwalker @emmasmithh grow up 🙄

The car arrived whilst we were waiting out front making our Instagram posts and we bundled in to the back seat. I was glad to be able to spend the next hour just with Emma, with all my recent drama I've felt like a shitty friend as everything was constantly being made about me. We spent the drive catching up on Emma's relationship with Max, they were already like a married couple bickering with each other about small things like the tv show they wanted to watch or who got to be the little spoon that night, which surprisingly Max usually won that argument. They had managed to keep things fairly quiet and drama free unlike Charles and I, which lets their relationship evolve naturally. Emma was happy that they were taking things slowly and allowing both of them to evaluate the situation at each stage of the relationship.

I started to think had I jumped in to things too quickly with Charles, we tended to have a lot of impulsive moments which kept things exciting but when does it cross the line of being crazy.

We soon arrived at the track and we decided to go see my parents who were sat in the grandstand. Fighting through the masses we eventually made it to their seats and greeted them with hugs.

"How's Max looking today? Think he could get it?" My dad asked Emma as I rolled my eyes, of course my dad was a fan of my boyfriend's biggest competitor
"Yeah he looked good in qualifying but it's always close between the Redbulls and Ferraris" she chirped back

You would never suspect that she hadn't watched formula 1 before I met Charles she played it off that well. We chatted a bit more before leaving as our conversations and lanyard passes were starting to draw attention from the surrounding fans so we headed towards the paddock. Emma and I split to go to our separate garages, agreeing to meet up when we could after the race.

I met Charles in his garage and he welcomed me with a kiss, I took my seat at the back of the garage as I watch Charles carry out his pre race checks with his engineer before his trainer wanted to do some last minute exercises.

Whilst I tried to occupy myself, avoiding eye contact with the TV cameras that were hovering around the garage when I felt a nudge on my arm. My head snapped up from my phone to see Rebecca standing next to me

"Hey" I smiled at her "how's things?"
"Yeah not bad" she replied "just on babysitting duties again" she nodded her head towards Carlos who looked like he was about to be bored to death, causing both Rebecca and I to laugh and for him to snap out of his daze.

It wasn't long before Charles returned, got set up in his car and made his way to the starting grid, the usual nerves building up in my stomach. The cars took off on their formation lap before taking their place on the grid. Crofty's voice filled the pit garage as the cars set off, my eyes fixed to the screen when a car goes skidding across the track and over the barriers, shocking the entire paddock into silence.

"Red flag, red flag, return to pit line" the race engineers spoke into the headset and soon Charles was being wheeled back into the garage

He quickly jumped out, making his way past the engineers and into his driver room keeping his helmet on and head down

"He takes big crashes quite hard" Rebecca said to me "maybe you should go speak to him" she motioned to the door he had just entered and I nodded
"Is Zhou alright? Might be easier to go in with good news" I smiled back at her sympathetically
"He's speaking on the radio so that's promising" she informed me
"Thanks Rebecca" I headed to the driver room and gently knocked on the door before sliding it open

I found Charles sat with his head in his hands staring at the ground

"Hey" I said quietly, not wanting to frighten him

His eyes met mine, they were red and starting to fill with tears. 

"It's okay" I sat next to him and rubbed his back to soothe him
"That was a bad one" his voice barely more than a whisper and filled with concern

~Author's note~

Poor Charles :((((

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