Seek Medical Attention

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Time's up

We both made our way in to the bathroom and I moved the sheet of toilet roll that was covering the test and let out a gasp.

One line. What was one line again?

I scrambled to look the the diagrams on the information sheet.

No babies

I turned to look at Charles as relief flooded my veins

"I'm not pregnant" I breathed out as we gauged each other's reactions to the news
"Oh thank god, as much as I love practicing with you, I was not ready to have a kid" he laughed wrapping me in a hug as the tears started to fall from my eyes and I began sobbing uncontrollably "Hey it's okay" he rubbed my back as my tears soaked his tshirt "what's wrong?"
"I don't know' I continued to cry "I didn't even want to be pregnant so I don't know why I'm so upset. I've been crying a lot lately, well more than I usually do, I'm late and then the sickness. I was sure this was it and now I don't know what's wrong with me."
"Do you want to go back to the track and see the doctor?" Charles asked, wiping away my tears
"No I'd feel ridiculous, he deals with car crashes not hormonal women" I laughed
"What about our nurse Carla? She's lovely I promise" he tried to bargain with me "If we know what's wrong, we know what to do to make it better"

I nodded along to Charles' suggestion and we returned to his car to head back to the track. I took the anti sickness medication as directed on the drive over to prevent any mishaps in the nurse's office. Charles pulled in to his designated parking spot and waved to the fans that were waiting at the gates before taking my hand and leading me inside.

He chapped on the door of an office and soon a short woman with dark curly hair appeared and pulled Charles down for a hug

"Ah Charles, so good to see you" she smiled "What's the matter?"
"It's actually for my girlfriend" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder
"Ah ciao bella" she cupped my cheeks with her hands "come, come" she waved for us to follow her in to the office and gestured for me to sit down on the bed "tell me everything" she pulled out a notepad and pen and began scribbling as I told her the issues I was having

"Have you been stressed? Anxious?" She asked once I had finished speaking
"Yes, very" I nodded
"That's your problem" she clicked her pen "you are too stressed, caused sickness, heightened emotions and missed periods" she stated matter of factly, her strong Spanish accent somehow bringing me comfort "this young man" she pointed her pen at Charles and he raised his eyebrows "needs to help you destress"

Charles and I both smiled at each other as Carla spoke

"And what about my period?" I asked
"Sex" she stated and Charles and I were taken aback
"What?" I laughed
"Well they say light exercise will get things moving but I believe sex works best" she continued to type on her computer as I felt my cheeks heat "anything else I can help you with?" She asked
"No I think that's everything" I smiled at her "thanks Carla"
"Oh one more thing" she reached into one of her drawers and pulled out a box of condoms "You'll need these" she smiled at Charles "your pill won't work if you've been sick" she warned me
"Thanks Carla" Charles laughed as he led me back out to his car

"Well I know what we're doing this afternoon" Charles winked and I lightly smacked him on the arm "what? I was going to suggest the gym for light exercise then the spa to relax! What were you thinking pervert?" He laughed and I smacked his arm again

We arrived back at the hotel and found Pierre leaving as we were entering and Charles pulled him into a hug

"Is everything sorted between the two of you now?" Pierre asked
"Yeah pretty much" I smiled, pulling Pierre in for a hug before returning to Charles' side
"Well I'm glad, I hated my two best friends not speaking to each other, now the gang's back together" he laughed
"Yeah nothing like a pregnancy scare to get the relationship back on track" Charles chuckled
"Sorry what?" Pierre turned as white as a ghost
"I'm not pregnant, don't worry. You've still got a few more years until you're fun uncle Pierre" I squeezed his arm

A horn tooted from Pierre's waiting car, telling him to hurry up so we hugged him goodbye and agreed to catch him up on events later. Charles and I returned to his room after I had collected my suitcase from Pierre's and I looked out gym leggings and a sports bra, along with a bikini for later.

Charles' traîner had us do circuits in the gym for his training and after the third station I had collapsed on the foam mats, trying to regain my breath.

"Carla said light exercise" I puffed out "not to work me until the brink of death"
"Come on" Charles pulled me up off the floor "just do the weights and we'll do cardio later" he winked
"Too much information" Andrea laughed as I blushed "back to work"
"Sorry Andrea" Charles and I both apologised together before starting the next station

After an hour and a half of working out, Andrea let us go and we headed down to the spa. We both got changed into our swimwear and quickly showered before getting into the pool. We messed about for a couple of hours, going between the pool, jacuzzi, sauna and steam room before deciding to return to the room after feeling suitably relaxed.

I made my way into the bathroom and unwrapped the towel from my wet hair as Charles followed in behind me

"What was it Carla told us to do?" He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, smirking at me in the mirror "Light exercise, check. Relax, check. But I can't quite remember the last thing, do you?"

I rolled my eyes at his poor attempt at initiating sex but it did work.

"I'm going for a shower, would you like to join me?" I asked, playing with the tie of the robe he had taken from the spa
"Like the old man in Modern Family says, shoot me if I ever say no to that question" he laughed and I joined in as well, pulling him in for a kiss.

~ Author's note ~

Non bébé

Sorry to disappoint, just not the time in the story to chuck a baby into the mix but that doesn't mean never!

Hope you're enjoying xx

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