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It was an early start the next day for us as we woke up, showered and got ready for a long day at the track for free practice. Charles and I met Arthur outside his room and we all made our way down to the hotel car park

"Shotgun" Arthur called as we walked to Charles' car
"No Jen always gets shotgun" Charles smirked at him "my car, my rules"
"Well you're just borrowing this car so we can borrow my rules for it and I call shotgun" Arthur argued "or I could drive us there"
"No" Charles and I both said quickly
"So looks like you're in the back seat Jen" Arthur smirked as he pulled the passenger seat forward to allow me in to the back seat


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The drive to the track didn't take long and we soon arrived in the car park and now came the difficulty of getting out of the car without flashing everyone waiting. Using Arthur as a protective shield, I was able to slip out of the backseat without any indecency.

Charles took my hand in his as we walked through the paddock, running in to Pierre along the way. We all greeted him with hugs and stood chatting for a little bit about the upcoming practice sessions.

"Oh my god" I gripped on to Charles' arm
"What? What's wrong? What's the problem?" He asked frantically
"That's Ted Kravitz" I squealed "and he's doing Ted's Notebook"

Charles, Arthur and Pierre all laughed at my outburst, drawing attention to the group and Ted made his way over. He gave us all individual fist bumps and started to introduce us to the camera

"So we've found Charles Leclerc, Arthur Leclerc, Pierre Gasly and..." he paused when he got to introducing me
"Oh you don't need to know her" Pierre shoved me out of the view of the camera before pulling me back in laughing
"This is my girlfriend, Jen" Charles smiled at me
"Oh of course you are" Ted flipped through his notebook to find a specific page "see I write them all down so I don't get the wrong names. Now you've had your F1 initiation on the notebook is there anything you'd like to say?" He held out the microphone to me
"Eh just hi to my dad, he's a big F1 fan" I smiled
"Ferrari fan?" He asked
"Well like Seb said, everyone's a Ferrari fan but he's a Max fan, unfortunately for Charles" I laughed
"Unlucky pal" He patted Charles on the shoulder "Well it was nice meeting you finally Jennifer and we'll be seeing all of you later in the pits" he spoke before moving on with his cameraman

We soon said our goodbyes to Pierre and made our way to the pits so Arthur could prepare for his practice round. Charles and I watched on proudly from the garage as he took third place in practice, leaving him to talk with his engineers about strategy for qualifying that afternoon whilst Charles and I went to his driver room.

"Everything okay?" I asked as Charles seemed tense, changing in to his fireproofs and race suit
"I just can't stop thinking about Aimée with Arthur, it seems wrong, I don't trust it" he sighed
"I know" I rubbed his arm as he sat next to me "we won't know anything for sure until next week. But for now, I'm choosing to believe she doesn't have any ulterior motives against us" I squeezed his arm in reassurance
"I just hope she doesn't let you down on that one" he huffed defeatedly before lacing up his race boots

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