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*Trigger warning - revenge porn*
Please skip this chapter if you find this topic triggering at all

'I'm the person with the pictures to ruin your life again. Maybe it'll show F1's golden boy that his 'amazing girlfriend' isn't as innocent as she seems'

The words circled my brain, becoming lodged in every crevice and threatening to break me in front of Charles. I couldn't possibly tell him about this, his PR team would surely have him break up with me if any of this came out. And I certainly didn't want to do anything to ruin his chances at a win tomorrow.

I stayed silent for the remainder of the journey, taking in the outdoor scenery as the horrible thoughts and images flooded my mind. We soon arrived back at the hotel and I explained to Charles that I was spending the night with Emma as we hadn't seen each other much and kissed him goodnight.

I raced down the corridor and into my room, praying Emma was already there as I couldn't hold it together much longer. I opened the door to find the room empty and paced up and down the length of the room for around 10 minutes before I heard the buzz of the door unlocking.

"Oh my god Em" I rushed and pulled her in to a hug
"We saw each other this morning" she laughed shaking her head before I separated myself from her
"It's Adam" I remarked and her face dropped at his name "He saw Charles' post and is threatening to leak the photos and videos again"
"Shit" Em stated
"Yeah big shit" I nodded along with her "but this time it'll be worldwide instead of being passed around the dental school group chats"
"That little dickhead" Emma groaned, now being the one to pace the room "Does Charles know?"
"No. I don't want to stress him out before the race but I can't just ignore this, he's done it once, he'll do it again." I said with my head in my hands
"Wait, I've got an idea" before I could question it, Emma had grabbed my hand and was pulling me out the door and down the corridor stopping outside a door I was sure I recognised.

My suspicions were confirmed when the door opened and Pierre appeared in front of us, as confused at the sight of us as I was.

"Evening Pierre" Emma barged both of us past him and into his hotel room "We need a big favour from you" she smiled sweetly up at him and he rolled his eyes
"What do you need?" He asked
"I know you've been seeing one of Ferrari's PR girls and we need her advice on a currently developing confidential situation. Could you possibly point us and escort us in the correct direction?" She asked formally as I watched the conversation unfold in front of me
"Charles doesn't know that so don't tell him" Pierre turned to me and gave me a warning
"Charles doesn't know about any of this situation so don't tell him" I reiterated to him and we shook hands before Pierre led us out of the room

He took us to the room on the floor below and chapped the door, Emma and I hiding behind him as we waited. A few seconds later we heard the swoosh of the door opening and a tall woman with dark hair and defined features came into view.

I had seen her around the paddock although she was usually with Carlos doing interviews so I hadn't had the chance to speak with her before now.

"Hi Rebecca, you know Charles' girlfriend Jennifer" I popped my head round the side of Pierre and smiled at her as he introduced me "and this is her friend Emma" her doing the same as me "and they need some advice from you about a.." he trailed off
"Currently developing confidential situation" I picked up the rest of the sentence for him and Rebecca invited us in to her room
"Okay, what can I help you with? Tell me everything" she sat on the bed, patting the space next to her, indicating for me to sit
"This is completely confidential? Charles won't find out?" I looked between her and Pierre and they both nodded
"So up until a year ago I was in a relationship with this guy Adam, we met when I was doing my uni interviews and he was a year older than me. We were together for two years and split up when I was struggling to manage uni work and giving the relationship the time it needed and he didn't take it well. He started sharing photos and videos of me in group chats with his friends in the dental school which is why Emma and I moved to Monaco. But he text me earlier today when he saw Charles' post on Instagram and is threatening to do the same again but obviously now the outcome will be so much worse" I got my whole speech out barely stopping to take a breath even when the tears started to fall
"I'm so sorry that happened to you" Rebecca rubbed my arm reassuringly "I promise we'll get all of this sorted, just give me two minutes and I'll phone the lawyers and we'll get on top of this straight away" she excused herself to make the phone call and Pierre took the space on the bed, wrapping me up in a hug

We sat like that for a few moments before Rebecca returned, a sympathetic smile on her face

"The lawyers want us to go down to the police station and make a statement, they'll meet us down there" she informed us grabbing her bag and jacket
"I'll drive you both there" Pierre joined Rebecca by the door
"Let me go grab my bag and I'll meet you down in the lobby"

Emma and I went back to our room, I collected my belongings and she agreed to hold down the fort and cover in case Charles came looking for me. Luckily when I got down to the lobby all the fans and paparazzi had dispersed for the evening and we made our way to Pierre's car without being spotted. After a short, anxiety riddled journey we arrived and thanked Pierre, telling him to go back and rest for the evening before the race tomorrow and Rebecca and I made our way inside.

We were greeted by the lawyers and 2 police officers who had been briefed on the situation and were waiting to take my statement.

Around 2 hours later everything was wrapped up and I was left in the room with Rebecca and one of the female lawyers

"I'm so sorry, this is a horrible first impression to make on the Ferrari team" I laughed lightly, almost in disbelief that I would ever find my life like this "I just feel like such an idiot"
"You have done absolutely nothing wrong" the lawyer reassured me, resting her hand on top of mine "You're not the first and you will definitely not be the last, we deal with a lot of jealous and vindictive ex-boyfriends and you did the best thing by coming to see Rebecca straight away"
"None of this will ever get out?" I asked concerned "It won't affect Charles in any way?"
"No nothing at all" she smiled "In fact" she looked down at her watch "the police in Glasgow should be serving him his papers right about now. The only life he's ruined is his own, this will be on his criminal record for life and that will destroy any career prospects in dentistry for him." She smiled proudly, causing one to grow on my face as well "and we threw a restraining order in there for good measure to prevent any further harassment"

Tears of relief escaped my eyes as Rebecca comforted me, the lawyer leaving us to help complete any remaining paperwork and soon we were able to take a taxi back to the hotel.

Pulling up to the hotel, we thanked and paid the taxi driver and headed straight for the lift. We reached Rebecca's floor and I stepped out with her to properly thank her

"I'm so sorry I've ruined your peaceful evening but I'm really grateful for all your help with this" I pulled her in to a tight hug "You have no idea how much this means to me to be able to put all of this behind me, thank you"
"Happy to help any time, I actually got to put my degree to use tonight instead of standing recording interviews with a tape recorder to make sure dumb and dumber don't mess up" she laughed and I joined in as well "Will I see you at the track tomorrow?"
"Yes definitely, get a good sleep, you'll need to be alert for Charles' interviews because he's been talking a lot of rubbish lately" I laughed as the lift opened back up again "goodnight Rebecca" I waved to her as she walked down the corridor
"Goodnight Jennifer" she replied

I traipsed back to mine and Emma's room where she had been waiting for me the entire time

"All sorted?" She jumped up from the bed
"All sorted" I smiled and nodded at her as she pulled me in for a hug, the tears she had held in for me now flowing as we swayed in our hug, both of us feeling the tension from the past six months releasing, the dark cloud lifting completely.

I then remembered to let Pierre know what was happening so I took out my phone and messaged him on Instagram

Thank you ❤️😇x

Anytime Jen ❤️x

Yeah I could definitely trust Pierre.

~ Author's note ~

I am so sorry this took so long to write and get uploaded, the past few days have been crazy.
Thank you so much for all the reads, votes and comments on the story, it's really picked up in the last week so thank you so much for that.
I love seeing that you're liking the story xo xo

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