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I checked my phone again as I sat at the kitchen counter. Max had text an hour ago to say they had landed and were on their way back to Monaco so I listened out for the familiar jingle of Emma's keys in the lock, knowing she should be back any minute. I already had the wine chilled and two glasses waiting as Emma had requested when we last saw each other.

Just as I was giving up hope of Em returning at a reasonable hour, I heard her huffing as she dragged her oversized suitcase up on to the small landing. I jumped from my seat and rushed to fling open the door to greet her, jumping on top of her and collapsing the both of us on to a heap on the floor

"Welcome back, I have wine" I smiled as she shoved me off of her
"Well I should bloody hope so after greeting me with a rugby tackle" she frowned
"Only following your specific requests upon your departure. A dog with wine you stated" I laughed as I wheeled her suitcase through the door whilst she picked herself up from the floor

I poured her a glass of wine as she stripped off her jacket and collapsed down on to the couch where I followed her, doing the same

"So what's new with you?" She smiled, taking a sip

I filled her in on that night with Charles, how we've made up, all the confessions, the meeting with the Dean, and Arthur and Aimée's relationship. Then she told me about her time with Max's family and what she had been up to since we were last together.

My inner guilt was still brewing that we hadn't spent as much time together as we had hoped when moving to Monaco but obviously circumstances changed and so we had to change with them. We agreed to spend the next couple of days together like old times before Charles and I went away again. We even spent the rest of the night planning a weekend trip to Nice, just the two of us like old times.

- -

"I want to go out tonight, I need a boogie" Emma huffed as she sprawled out across my now dead legs "oh and we should invite the boys. Oh my god we should double date" she continued, flipping over to face me with an excited grin on her face
"Once you get an idea, you really roll with it" I laughed pulling out my phone to text Charles about Emma's idea as she did the same with Max

Once all the plans were in place, Emma and I were set up on the couch watching Drive to Survive which had become our new secret obsession.

"Em, this is bad" I laughed, nervously checking my phone to make sure I hadn't accidentally phoned Charles and he would find out his girlfriend and her best friend were weirdos that watched their boyfriends on Netflix in their spare time
"I only watch it to see my man" she laughed back
"Max isn't even in this episode" I shook my head and reached for the remote
"Not Max, idiot" she took the remote back off of me "I know what's going on in his life, I watch it for Gunther"
"Number one Steiner simp" I joked with a blank expression before we both burst out in hysterics

We finished the episode we were watching and decided to get ready for the evening whilst blasting our cheesy getting ready playlist and belting out the lyrics to No Scrubs by TLC.

An hour and a half later we were both ready to going when the buzzer rang through the apartment and I shuffled over to answer it

"Hello?" I spoke through the intercom
"We're downstairs, let's go, I need a piss" Max's voice came through the speakerphone
"You're a delight" I laughed whilst doing up the buckle on my heels
"Hurry up" he groaned
"Just coming!" I sang back down to him
"She's already drunk" I heard him say to Charles who was laughing in the background of our interaction
"Drunk on life Max Emilian. And a few proseccos" I hung up the intercom as I heard him huff on the other end

We gathered our belongings and made our way downstairs to greet our partners and the waiting car. Max took the front seat and directed the driver through the streets as though he'd never driven in Monte Carlo before, soon arriving at the restaurant.

We took our seats and Max immediately excused himself to go to the bathroom and Charles turned to me

"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" He asked placing a kiss on my shoulder
"Maybe just a few times but a couple more wouldn't hurt" I smiled back at him
"Tu es belle" He smirked
"Maybe just once more"
"Sei bella" he spoke before pressing his lips to mine

Emma began to retch next to us and I pulled away from Charles before shoving her in the shoulder

"You're just jealous that you need to listen to Max whisper to you in Dutch" I laughed as she glared at me before our attention was drawn to Max returning to the table with a tray full of shots and I dropped my head into my hands
"I got us some starters" he smiled setting down the shots of tequila
"Body shots again?" Charles whispered to me and heat flushed my cheeks as I tried to hide my smirk, sprinkling salt on the back of my hand before we followed our usual drinking routine


Liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 12,493 others My partner in crime ❤️

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Liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 12,493 others
My partner in crime ❤️

3 courses and 4 rounds of shots later we stumbled out of the restaurant and in to the car to take us to Jimmy'z. Max greeted the bouncers and the hostess who directed us to our table where drinks were already being poured for us.

An hour or so later I was beginning to get concerned that Emma had disappeared from the table over 5 minutes ago until I saw her racing back over from the dancefloor as the iconic laugh from our favourite karaoke song blared out from the speakers and we started shouting the lyrics to each other

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want" I sang
"So tell me what you want, what you really, really want" Em sang back
"I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah" Max finished off and we all burst in to laughter as Charles stared at us in shock and I pulled him on to his feet to continue singing the chorus which he didn't know any of the words to

"So, here's a story from A to Z
You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully
We got Em in the place who likes it in your face
You got G like MC who likes it on a
Easy V doesn't come for free she's a real lady" I sang
"And as for me, ah you'll see" Em completed the verse like we had practiced every time we ended up at a karaoke bar over the years

After a few more drinks we called it a night and we all headed back to Em and I's apartment before retreating to our separate rooms

"Love you BITCH" Emma shouted down the corridor to me
"I ain't ever gonna stop loving you BITCH" I called back to her

~ Author's note ~

And we're back
So sorry it's been so long to post uni exams were crazy but we're finished now and back to regular updates

Our fav quartet out on the town spicing up their lives 🥰

Love you guys loads xoxox

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