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"I think I want to go home"

"Like home home?" Emma asked as she stared me down
"Yeah, home home" I confirmed
"Like for good or just a wee mini break 'back to see the fam' kind of trip?" She asked again
"I don't know Em, there's just so much drama wherever we go currently. I can't escape it" I sighed, crossing my arms on the table and resting my head on them
"You can't abandon me in Monaco, I can barely speak French and Max is trying to teach me Dutch at the same time, it's all so confusing and all I can say is sprechen Sie Deutsch?"
"Christ Em that's not even Dutch, it's German" I laughed
"See I'm hopeless without you" she whined

The rest of the train journey was spent in silence, me thinking over the decision I was going to make and Emma typing away on her phone with her worried brow furrowed.

Emma informed me that Max was picking us up from the station as we hauled our suitcases down from the luggage racks and I slowly followed behind her as she ran in to Max's arms, still processing my thoughts. Max then turned to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, holding me at arms length

"You're not leaving" he said seriously and I huffed, folding my arms over my chest
"I'm a grown woman, I can make my own decisions" I declared with a pout
"Not when they're this stupid" he smiled and shook his head
"Can you drop me at Charles'?" I asked, trying to move off topic
"Only if you promise not to leave" He countered
"No promises Verstappen" I called out as I made my way in to the back seat of his car

We soon pulled up to Charles' apartment and I unloaded my suitcase from the car, telling Emma that I would text her and I'll be back tomorrow. I rang the doorbell and a few seconds later Charles appeared at the door

"We really need to get you a key made" he joked
"Mm" I replied through a smile as he wrapped his arms around me

He wheeled my suitcase through to his room as I made myself comfortable on the couch in the living room, quickly returning and taking his place next to me

"I saw the article this morning" he spoke softly, almost worried his words would hurt me "are you okay?" He asked and I nodded, picking at a loose thread on my jumper "did anything happen between you and Mick?"

My head snapped up to meet his gaze, my brows knitted together in anger. Upon seeing my expression, he quickly caught on to what he said and rushed to explain himself

"No no no not like that. I mean did he say anything to upset you?" He adapted his question and I softened and shrugged in reply
"Something happened, he did something. You're not acting like your usual self Jen" he pulled in to his side and I leaned in to him, pulling my knees up to my chest
"He said he's taken from you before and he'll do it again or something along those lines" I barely let out

He tightened his grip on me and pulled me closer in to his chest, taking slow deep breaths

"I swear to god when I see him again, I'm going to kill him" he spoke through gritted teeth
"No Charles, I don't want you to do anything, I don't even want to act like he exists" I tried to calm him "I'm just so tired" I sighed
"Well let's go back to bed" he suggested
"Not tired like that. I'm just tired. Tired of the media, tired of the drama, tired of everything"

The words lingered in the air as we sat in silence, Charles releasing his grip on me slightly

"Tired of us?" He asked quietly and I quickly shook my head, lifting it from his chest to look him in the eye
"I could never get tired of you Charles Leclerc. You're my forever" I smiled, pressing my lips to his "I just feel I need a break from this hectic life, I want to go home"

His smile fell into a frown and this time it was me that was backtracking on my words

"I want you to come home with me Charles" I clarified and the smile returned to his face
"I would love to go home with you Jen" he smiled, wrapping me up in a hug and pulling me on to his lap

A few hours later we had booked flights for the following week and I called my mum to let her know and to allow her time to do her frantic full house deep clean she always did before we had guests over.

. . .

After a short flight consisting of Charles trying to keep his identity a secret from the majority of the passengers, we had landed in Glasgow and were in the back of my dad's car as he drove us back to my family home.

I could tell my dad was nervous having an overly qualified backseat driver in the car with him as he stayed silent the whole journey and his knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel. This allowed my mum to carry the conversation and ask Charles all sorts of embarrassing questions which he happily answered, always aiming to please.

We arrived at the house and were immediately greeted by friendly faces at the door

"Jack!" I squealed as our dog came running out to greet all of us
"Jack, the Jack Russell?" Charles laughed at the name choice
"No making fun of the name, I picked it out" I laughed as I lifted Jack into my arms "besides, he suits Jack"

I then turned back to the door after getting the most important greeting out of the way and smiled at my older brother

"Charles this is Scott and Scott, I'm sure you know this is Charles" I introduced them to one another as Scott attempted to stare Charles down.

I rolled my eyes, barging past him at the door "He exceeds every standard you've ever set for me so you can drop the protective older brother act and fanboy like I know you want to" I smirked as I watched his frown falter and a smile grow on his face before he pulled Charles in for that weird half man hug they do

Once we were all inside, I quickly showed Charles around before we got to my room, cringing at the thought of Charles Leclerc seeing my boring mundane bedroom.

But he wasn't bored, he stood in front of my photo board smiling at the pictures pinned to it. Me with friends from school, my high school ball, Em and I at parties, Halloween, dental school away trips, Christmases with my family.

I stared at him as he stared at my memories.

"You're so lucky" he spoke, finally turning to face me and there was a twinge of sadness in his smile

I could tell just in that moment, he missed having a normal childhood, a life without racing. But I know, for Charles, a life without racing is no life at all.

~ Author's note ~

Home sweet home 🤍

Hope you're enjoying
Love you all loads xoxo

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