Beach Dates

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The next day I followed the same routine as I had 2 days previous, waking up, going for a shower and grabbing something to eat before I heard Emma talking to herself as she paced around her room. I knocked on her door and it quickly swung open to reveal Emma looking stressed with piles of clothes all over her bed and the floor.

"Outfit troubles?" I asked sympathetically
"I just can't figure out what to wear" she groaned as she started to search through the piles
"Right let's get ready first then we can sort clothes" I tried to calm her, sitting her down in front of her mirror and plugging in the hair curlers.

I curled her hair as she applied her makeup, quickly calming down as we chatted about where Max was taking her. We were soon finished and picked out a summer dress and sandals for Emma to wear and she got changed quickly just as we heard the buzzer going from downstairs. I ran over to answer it as Emma packed her bag with her phone, keys and lipstick.

"It's for you. Your date is waiting for you" I shouted to Emma "She's just coming, bye Max, have fun" I then shouted down the intercom to him

I gave Emma a hug as she rushed out the door and proceeded to pack my bag and wait for Charles. It wasn't long before I heard the roar of his engine outside, followed by the buzzer and made my own way downstairs to greet him. As I got downstairs I could see him stood next to the passenger side of his car, wearing patterned swim shorts and a white linen shirt on top, his eyes covered by sunglasses which he removed when I got outside.

"Long time, no see" I joked with him
"Too long" he played along cupping my face and peppering it with kisses

Like a gentleman, he opened my door for me and closed it behind before racing round to the driver's side

"You're such a gent" I praised him
"My mother raised me well" he smiled back before starting the car

Around 30 minutes later we were pulling up to the beach and it was empty as usual. We both got out of the car and made our way down the steps, Charles laying out the blanket he had brought with him along with the cooler of drinks.

We lay sunbathing for a while, talking about life and our families. We always had quite deep meaningful chats on this beach, probably due to what it meant to Charles and the thoughts he had whilst visiting.

"You know I've never brought anyone else to this beach?" He stated and I cocked my head in confusion
"Why me then?" I asked sincerely
"It just felt different with you" he started "It just felt right to show this to you and share it with you"

My heart began to swell with so many different emotions at hearing this. Confusion as to why I had been the only one, and so early on into knowing each other. Why me? What was so different about plain old Jen that he would want to bring me here? Pride that I was able to have a first something with Charles. I knew I wouldn't ever be his first kiss, or the first person he slept with but to know I was the first person to share this sentimental experience with him made me so happy. But mostly love. I loved that fact that he brought me here. I loved that he was comfortable enough with me to share the stories he was sharing with me. And even though it was so soon, I loved that I could 100% see myself loving him.

I realised that I had been sitting in silence for a few moments as these thoughts rushed through my head and so I reached out my hand to Charles', my eyes slightly teary.

"Thank you" I squeezed his hand and the action was reciprocated

He then took my hand and pulled me up to my feet, dragging me along behind him as he ran towards the waves. My lower body was soon engulfed in cold water, causing me to gasp and Charles to laugh at my reaction. I didn't have long to recover before Charles had pulled me completely under the water, my body completely frozen in shock before scrambling to resurface, wiping the water out of my eyes.

"You're so dead" I threatened him, laughing whilst trying to chase after him in the water and inevitably failing
"You love me really" he smirked making his way back to me
"Not so sure about that one Leclerc" I pouted, folding my arms in a huff
"Is that so?" He looked down at me as we were now standing face to face

He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his hips in one swift movement and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders to not lose balance. He started to lean in as I followed and right as our lips were about to touch, I turned my head to the side so his made contact with my cheek.

"That was cute" I jumped down from Charles' grasp as he stood with his mouth agape "only joking"

I pulled him down to connect our lips, his hands frantically wrapping round my back to lift me up to his height and his tongue swiping along my lip to beg for entrance which I happily granted. After a few heated moments we both pulled away and he had a big cheesy grin on his face

"I knew you loved me" he said as he placed me back down
"It's a bit soon for that buddy" I patted his arm "You're nice to have around" I tried playing hard to get even though in my head I was desperately failing at that

Soon after we made our way back to the blanket to dry off from the sea and sunbathe a bit longer. We had some lemonade and crisps that Charles had brought as we spoke about how we thought Max and Emma were getting along on their date and I told Charles I would keep him fully updated on the situation so he had lots to tease Max about whilst they were away racing.

"Okay, you're going to think I'm crazy" Charles started a new conversation "and I know it's still super early for things between the two of us" I nodded along "but I don't want to go away and not know where we stand"
"I think it's pretty clear where we stand Charles" I laughed at his statement "We're together most of the time you are home and constantly texting whenever we can't see each other" I reminded him
"Right. Okay" he composed himself before starting again "Like I said, I know it's still really early and absolutely feel free to say no, that's not a problem. Well it would be a slight problem for me but-" he rambled on
"Charles, spit it out" I interrupted him
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" he finally asked
"Of course I would, idiot" I laughed, pulling him in for a kiss to put him out of his misery

~ Author's note ~

So Charles officially has a girlfriend 🥳🥳
Thank you so much for all the recent love on the story, you guys are great
Hope you're enjoying xx

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