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We arrived back to the dock a few hours later to see a small group of fans still gathered where we had departed earlier in the day and that uneasy feeling started to grow within me again. Charles could sense my nervousness as he wrapped his arm around my waist and placed a kiss on my forehead before he led me off the boat, helping me down and stairs and entangling his fingers with mine.

"Oh my god, they're so cute" one girl squealed to her friend as Charles smiled back at them, squeezing my hand to reassure me "Could we have a photo?" the same girl asked
"Yeah of course" Charles replied
"Do you want me to take it?" I asked hesitantly
"Oh my god, yes please" she beamed, handing me her phone as her and her friend stood beside Charles

I took a good few photos and handed the phone back as the girls thanked us before stopping me again as we were about to leave

"Don't listen to those stupid articles, loads of us think you're really cute together and Charles seems so happy" they smiled at me and I felt the need to pull them in for a hug
"Thank you, that really means a lot" I responded to them as Charles grabbed my attention to join him in his car that had been brought around.

We waved goodbye to the group of fans as I took my place in the passenger seat , letting out a sigh of relief as Charles drove off. We sat in a comfortable silence, Charles' hand rested on my thigh as we waited in the traffic of rush hour with the radio playing in the background. I sat back in the seat and thought about how much my life had changed in such a short period of time, from having the worst experience of my life 6 months ago to being in a formula one driver's Ferrari in Monaco.

"What are you thinking about?" Charles squeezed my thigh lightly, bringing me out of my thoughts
"Just life. This, just now" I smiled back at him "When is your next race?"
"Next weekend, Baku" he replied "So I'll be flying out on Tuesday" I nodded "and then straight over to Canada"

3 weeks without Charles was going to be hard but for once I was glad we had end of year exams as that would keep me occupied whilst he was away. The traffic started to move again and Charles set off driving through the city.

"Do you want to stay over at my house tonight?" Charles asked
"Yes please" I replied, wanting to make the most of his time home before he had to leave

We soon arrived at Charles' house and he parked the car in the garage before opening the door for me and taking me inside. I quickly text Emma to let her know I wouldn't be coming home tonight and that I would catch up with her tomorrow. Charles gave me a tour as I had only seen the living room when I came over last time, I left my bag in his bedroom and we went back through to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, looking through the fridge
"Always" I laughed "What have you got?"
"I make a good carbonara" he replied still looking in the fridge for ingredients
"Well let's test that Leclerc" I took a seat on the stool facing him as he started to pull ingredients out

I watched him intently as he focused on separating the egg yolks, his tongue peeking out from between his lips showing his concentration.

"Do you need a hand with anything" I asked swinging my legs on the stool as Charles started to look a little flustered with pots of water overflowing.
I quickly jumped off my seat, laughing at Charles as he frantically searched through his cupboards for something
"I promise it doesn't usually go this badly" he laughed finally finding the cheese grater he had been looking for
"You focus on the cheese and I'll manage the pasta until you're ready" I turned the heat down and stirred the pot

Eventually everything was finished and Charles served us two plates of pasta then we sat on the couch to watch the tv. I could feel his eyes on me as I took my first forkful of pasta, I nodded in appreciation as he smiled happily and tucked into his
"Have you seen the film with the dogs and the pasta" Charles asked like we didn't have Disney films in Scotland and I couldn't hold in my laughter
"Yes I've seen Lady and the Tramp" I finally managed to get out and Charles held up a string of his pasta on his fork "how many ladies have fallen for that one?" I asked
"Hopefully just the one" he replied and my cheeks blushed
"No pasta but I will give you a kiss for the effort" I leaned in and signalled for him to do the same, gently placing a kiss on his lips before he shook his head and pulled me back in for more

"Not on the couch please" I jumped in shock before recognising Arthur's voice and I hid my face in Charles' shoulder
"Sorry Arthur" I mumbled as I felt him plop down next to me on the couch definitely not concerned about third wheeling
"What are we watching?" He asked smiling between the two of us, blissfully unaware of the death stare Charles was giving him and settled in further, taking his shoes off

I took Charles and I's plates back through to the kitchen before joining the two boys on the couch again, cuddling in to Charles' side as he flicked through Netflix. We spent the next 2 and a bit hours watching an Adam Sandler film the Charles and Arthur had wanted to watch and by the end of it I was nearly falling asleep. Charles saw this and made the decision for both of us
"We're going to bed now Arthur" Charles told him, helping me up from the couch
"Don't be too loud" he warned, earning a smack on the back of the head from Charles
"Goodnight Arthur" I laughed, following Charles through to his bedroom

Charles found me a tshirt and a pair of boxers to sleep in since I still had my bikini on under my clothes and I got changed in the bathroom, returning to find Charles already in bed and I took the space next to him
"Did you have a good day?" He asked, pulling me in to his side
"Yeah it was really nice to see everyone again and I even got to try your famous carbonara" I laughed "thank you" I murmured into his side as I started to fall asleep

Just as I was about to drift off I felt him press his lips to the top of my head

"Goodnight Jennifer"

~ Author's note ~

Sorry this is so shit and took ages, someone in my work quit and we've all had to take on extra shifts
Just a filler chapter but hope you enjoy x

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