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This chapter is a bit smutty so if that's not your thing just skip to the next one 😘

As soon as I had shut the door, Charles had me pressed up against it, attacking my neck with kisses and I let my head fall back to allow him better access.

His hands roamed over me before his fingertips rested on the hem of my dress as his lips met mine. He worked the dress higher over my body until it became stuck

"Wait, it's caught on my earring" I laughed as Charles rushed to untangle me from the item of clothing before pulling it over my head and chucking it across the room "Did I ruin the moment?" I asked, still laughing
"No, never" he spoke as he pressed his lips against mine, lifting me up so my legs were wrapped around his hips

He walked us over to the bed before placing me down gently

"These" He pointed to my underwear "off"
"Where are your manners Mr Leclerc?" I smirked at him
"Fuck manners"
"Non. Seulement moi"
"You've been practicing" He smiled down at me
"un peu" I replied
"Speak French to me?" He asked, staring at me after taking off his shirt and I panicked
"Eh je voudrais du pain s'il vous plaît, monsieur. Une table pour deux personnes s'il vous plaît"
"Not like that" He laughed shaking his head
"Well DuoLingo doesn't provide French lessons in dirty talk" I hid my face in my hands
"Well I'll make it my job to teach you then" he hovered over me before smashing his lips into mine, his tongue swiping to request access before moving down my neck to my chest

He quickly removed his trousers before sliding my underwear down my legs

"Oui" I nodded to confirm as he slowly inserted himself, allowing me to adjust quickly before deepening his thrust "merde" I gasped
"Très bien belle" he smirked

He used one hand to hold himself steady above me as the other moved the stray hairs away from my face.

"Te amo" he whispered into the crook of my neck
"Nuh uh" I shook my head "That's Italian, way beyond my capacity right now"
"Fine, je t'aime" he laughed
"Better" I smiled "je t'aime aussi"

Adjusting his position, I let out a low moan as he continued to hit the spot time and time again to which he clamped his hand over my mouth to deafen the noise I was making

"Mauvaise fille" he smirked at me again as my eyes rolled back at his comment "Are you going to be quiet?" he asked and I nodded so he released his hand from covering my mouth
"Ne t'arrête pas" I whispered before biting down on my lip to stop any further noise coming out

The knot began to grow in my stomach as I gripped on to Charles' shoulders

"Se retenir belle" He spoke quietly and I nodded, trying to hold off as long as possible

His thrusts quickened and I could tell he was nearing the edge and a few seconds later we both reached our highs before Charles collapsed on the bed next to me. I hurriedly jumped up, throwing on a baggy tshirt and my underwear to go to the bathroom.

When I returned, Charles was under the covers and sat up scrolling on his phone and I crawled in next to him

"Je suis très très très fatiguée" I yawned "and my brain hurts from all the French"
"Tu parles bien le français" He placed a kiss on the top of my head
"Merci monsieur Leclerc" I laughed before we both fell asleep

- -

I woke up the next morning as the bed shifted with Charles' movement getting up to go to the bathroom. I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling, preparing myself to get up for the day before rolling over to check my phone like the morning newspaper. I scroll through the numerous notifications of fan accounts tagging the four of us in photos from last night and I couldn't believe this was my life now.

I dragged myself out of bed and pulled on a pair of shorts from my cupboard before making my way to the bathroom as well. Charles was stood beside the sink brushing his teeth. I joined him, looking in the mirror and grimacing at the fact I had forgotten to take my makeup off last night. I began brushing my teeth whilst pouring makeup remover on some cotton pads and removing my makeup at the same time. A couple of minutes later we both finished and Charles wrapped his arms around my waist placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"Minty fresh" He smiled, repeating my comment from the first night I stayed at his all that time ago causing me to smile and blush

We made our way through to the kitchen, passing Max leaving Emma's room on the way. Emma was already in the kitchen pouring out three cups of coffee and handing one over to Charles.

"Sleep well?" Emma asked us with a smirk
"I did in fact" I smiled back at her, completely aware of what she was doing "did you?" I asked
"I did" she smiled "once the both of you had stopped the racket you were making"

I couldn't hide my smirk as Charles hung his head in embarrassment

"Oui Sharl, oui, oui!" She exclaimed in an exaggerated French accent and Charles buried his face in his hands
"Don't get me started on what I've had to listen to with you and Max. I swear I've even heard you playing Super Max during it" I threw back at her
"Don't mention that bloody song around him. He's been singing it non stop" Em shook her head as he entered the kitchen to join us
"Who's for pancakes?" Max shouted loudly as he searched our cupboards for a frying pan
"You make pancakes?" Charles laughed and Max nodded "really?" He asked again in shock
"Just another trick I've got hidden up my sleeve" Max joked with Charles, winking at him

We all sat and watched in awe as Max produced four plates of pancakes and we took our places around the breakfast bar to eat them and spoke about our plans for the summer break.

Soon it was time for Max and Charles to head home leaving Em and I to camp out on the couch with rom coms on in the background as we spent most of the time on our phones.

"Should we invite Aimée out for lunch or something? Get to know her a bit better since she's going to be around a lot more with Arthur?" I asked Emma
"Do you trust her?" Em asked back
"She seemed alright the night after the meeting but there's only one way to find out for sure"
"It's your choice Jen, I'll be ready to go if it all goes South. I'm not opposed to smacking someone around a bit" she warned, only half joking
"Okay calm down Rocky Balboa" I laughed, nudging her knee with my foot

I spent the next few minutes organising lunch tomorrow for the three of us hoping we could settle all our past differences and have a clean sheet moving forward.

~ Author's note ~

Another quick chapter to keep up with regular updates
Will there be drama with Aimée or will Em keep her cool??
Hope you're all enjoying 😊

Love you loads xxx

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