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After reading through the instructions I gathered some vague information from the French writing. Pee on the stick. Wait 2 minutes. 1 line, no babies for you. 2 lines, womb is occupado.

I was completing step one when Charles knocked on the bathroom door

"Everything okay?" He asked
"Uh yeah, just felt a little bit sick again" I lied, placing the cap back on the test "I'll be out in a minute"

I flushed the toilet and frantically searched for somewhere to put the test, deciding on leaving it in the cupboard under the sink until it had done it's thing before washing my hands and returning to Charles in the room.

I sat down on the desk chair opposite the bed, slightly rotating on the wheels and immediately regretting my decision when the room started to spin.

"Okay Jen, we need to talk" he sounded serious and I suddenly remembered why we were in private, I professed my undying love for him and he said nothing. Again.
"Yeah I've got a couple of minutes spare" I smiled at my own inside joke and he looked at me confused "nothing, just trying to make a joke, not funny, carry on" I waved him off

"How did you know about Julietta?" He asked
"Oh I didn't know about Julietta, was my outburst not clear enough that I categorically did not know anything about Julietta?" I asked in response
"No you made that very clear on the night" he smirked "I meant how did you know the story of Julietta?"
"Oh erm, Luisa told me about it after Canada" sorry gal "she just thought it was relevant to the situation and didn't want to see me get hurt"
"I can explain what happened that night" he informed me, unable to look at me
"Please do, I'm all ears" I leant back in the chair, crossing my legs over in an effort to appear confident when in reality I was so close to an emotional breakdown

"I'm the idiot, not you" he was the one to confess this time "I was weak and I let you leave because I couldn't handle my past coming back to haunt us. Watching you walk out the door that night was so hard because I didn't know if you would come back. I would have hated myself if that was our last conversation."

Tears filled his eyes and he quickly rubbed them to prevent the droplets from spilling over.

"I didn't even know Julietta was at university, never mind on your course. I haven't spoken to her since we split up 4 years ago and I think I was in shock seeing her there in Austria, talking to my girlfriend. I regret every second of that night. I regret not telling Julietta to fuck off straight away. I regret not following you. I regret letting you walk out. I promise that if you take me back, I'll be right by your side for better or for worse, no matter what."

I sat in my chair, twiddling my thumbs and mulling over Charles' words, as he stared at me intently.

"Aw fuck it, who am I kidding here" I spoke under my breath before launching out of my chair and straight into Charles' arms "I've missed you so much, I love you" I whispered, holding his face, his eyes no longer sad but glistening with happiness
"I love you too" he smiled, leaning in for a kiss

I desperately pulled him closer to me as we pressed our lips together, the shockwaves immediately exploding throughout my body in response to him. I quickly parted my lips, letting his tongue explore mine, my knees weakening at the feeling. I pulled away from the intense kiss, leaving a few light pecks on his reddened lips.

"I love you" I smiled "I'll never get tired of saying that"
"And I'll never get tired of hearing it" he pulled me closer into his hug "I love you" he placed a kiss on the top of my head

We sat in a comfortable silence, just appreciating the feeling of being close to one another again, only moving to answer the door to room service.

"Do you not need to take those pills just now" Charles reminded me as we were eating
"Yeah, I think I left them in the bathroom, I'll go get them"

I quickly jumped up from the bed and in to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Panic began to rise in my body as I thought about the result of the test in the cupboard.

I knew I certainly wasn't ready to have a child at this point in my life and I wasn't sure about Charles but I didn't want him to feel trapped in the relationship so early on.

I paced up and down the small bathroom, mentally preparing myself to look at the test.

'It's just a test Jen' I told myself 'it's just you and Charles' future hanging in the balance here'

I quickly grabbed the test from the cupboard, covering the results window as I couldn't bring myself to look at it yet.

"Jen, what are you doing in there? Are you sick again?" Charles asked, knocking on the door
"Uh no" I stammered, reaching for the anti sickness pills on the counter "I was just reading the packet again"
"I told you, it said to take two at mealtimes" he laughed sliding the door open "do you not trust my French?"
"No I do" I smiled "it's just that it also said to consult a doctor if I think I might be pregnant" I held up the test in my hand

The colour automatically drained from his face and he gripped on to the doorframe to steady himself

"You're pregnant?" He asked, shocked
"I don't know, I can't look at it, I'm too scared"
"I'll look, give it to me" he gestured to hand it over to him which I did

I rubbed my sweaty palms on the jeans covering my thighs as I tried to comprehend his confused expression

"What does no lines mean?" He asked confused
"What?" I stood up from the side of the bath to look at the test in his hands, seeing a blank results window "it didn't say anything about no lines" I said, even more confused than him
"How can you do a pregnancy test wrong?" He laughed
"I didn't do it wrong, it must be faulty" I scowled back at him "I'll need to do another"

Charles continued to stand in the bathroom, looking at me with a blank expression on his face

"That means you have to leave" I shooed him out of the bathroom "Wait!" I grabbed his arm as he was halfway out the door "can you read what I've to do first" I handed him over the information leaflet
"Pee on it and wait 2 minutes" he translated
"I knew I was right, thank you" I grabbed the leaflet back and locked the door

I followed the instructions again, placing the cap back on and placing the test on a couple of sheets of toilet roll on the counter, washing my hands and returning to the room as I did before.

"Well...?" Charles looked at me expectantly
"Well, we've still got a minute and a half to wait" I looked at the timer on my watch as he pulled me over to sit on his lap
"You could be cooking up a little Leclerc in here right now" he placed his hand on my stomach
"I know" I bit my nails worriedly

1 minute left

"How do you feel?" He asked me
"Sick" I continued to bite my nails "very sick"

30 seconds left

"I can't be a mum Charles, I'm a mess. The poor thing would live off of chocolate milk and Lucino's pizza" I ran my hand through my hair
"It'll be fine" he reassured me "whatever the result is in there, we'll manage, we'll get through this together" he kissed my temple as my watch buzzed on my wrist.

Time's up

We both made our way in to the bathroom and I moved the sheet of toilet roll that was covering the test and let out a gasp.

~ Author's note ~

What do we think? Bébé or no bébé?

Are we happy Jen and Charles are back together??

Hope you're enjoying xx

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