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Charles and I had our meal which he refused to let me split with him because he insisted men always pay for the first date before he led me out of the restaurant hand in hand, thanking the staff on the way out.
"Do you have time to go somewhere else?" He asked

I checked my phone for the time to see it was only 9 o'clock and agreed happily. He helped me in to the car and the driver set off, soon pulling up to the beach Charles had shown me before.

"I'm really glad you said yes now or I would've had to come and clear this up by myself" he laughed as we walked down the steps, now able to see what Charles was talking about. I had to capture this moment because it was just too perfect.


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I took my heels off at the end of the steps and took a seat on the blanket that was laid out. Charles popped open another bottle of champagne and poured us both a glass that we cheersed.

"Where do you find the time to plan all of this?" I laughed
"Lots of messaging when I'm supposed to be training so my trainer is a little pissed" he smiled "it's worth it though" he pulled me in for a kiss

We sat together sipping our drinks and watched the waves crash like we did when we first came here.

"So tell me about you" Charles broke the silence
"I hate this one" I laughed "My life is so boring and compared to yours, it's especially boring" I shook my head "Basically I was born in Scotland, lived at home with my mum, dad and brother up until a couple of weeks ago and that's it, nothing interesting" I shrugged
"Why did you move?" He asked and I diverted my eyes from his gaze, looking at the alcohol left in my glass
"It's a long story, definitely not first date material" I lightly laughed to myself "but things weren't great at uni so when this opportunity came up, Emma and I jumped at the chance"

I felt Charles' hand squeeze mine as he gave me a reassuring smile, not having to say anything but knowing I didn't want to dwell on that topic any longer

"Okay tell me about you, I'm sure you'll have better stories to tell than I do" I smiled back at him changing the subject

We spoke about his family and his dad's passing and I couldn't help but admire his strength dealing with all these hardships in his life and coming out stronger each time. We finished the bottle of champagne as we talked about our childhoods, laughing at Charles' stories about karting with Max and the other boys, soon realising the time and Charles called for the driver.

"Thank you" I smiled at Charles as we waited for the car "for all of this" I squeezed his hand, leaning into his side and resting my head on his shoulder

The car soon arrived to pick us up and drop me at my apartment, with Charles walking me to my door, stopping just shy of it to say our goodbyes.

"Thank you for coming" Charles smiled down at me, even in my heels he still had a couple of inches on me
"No, thank you for organising all of tonight. It was lovely. And thank you for being here" I said referring to much more than just this moment

Charles lifted my chin with his index finger to meet his gaze before moving to caress my cheek and leaving a delicate kiss on my lips. This act creating more butterflies than the intense lustful kisses did just the other night.

"Goodnight Jennifer" he smirked before backing away to return to the waiting car
"Goodnight Charles" I blushed, fumbling with my keys to get through the front door.

When I got in to the apartment Max and Emma were still watching TV on the couch so I made my way in to my room, taking my makeup off and getting ready for bed. 

- -

My alarm woke me from my peaceful slumber at 7 o'clock the next morning as I removed myself from bed, this time being the first to text Charles

Good morning ☺️ x

I then jumped in the shower, still trying to get rid of some of the sand from last night that I had now traipsed through the apartment and got ready for the day. Emma and I had a chirpier walk to uni today chatting about our nights and the patient's we had in today. Arriving at the locker rooms we smiled at Julietta in passing as she made her way down to the clinic. We quickly got changed, grabbing our notebooks and headed downstairs. Luckily the uni had been really accommodating with us and gave us the English speaking ex pats that came in for treatment whilst we worked on our French.
The morning went in very quickly having 2 patients in for check ups and xrays before we were let go for lunch, making our way up to the canteen. As we walked in we saw Julietta, Sharon and Aimée sat at a table together and Julietta waved us over to sit in the spare seats and as soon as we did I was bombarded with questions from the three of them.

"Was that you on Charles' story?"
"Where did he take you?"
"What's he like?"

I laughed at the pace the questions were fired at me and adjusted in my chair slightly uncomfortable speaking about him with practical strangers

"Yeah we went on our first date last night, which was nice and we're just seeing how things are going" I smiled, trying to keep my answer short and shut down any further questions. I looked to Emma to try help switch the conversation and she caught on quickly
"So how were your patients this morning?" She asked with a mouthful of sandwich and the girls all began talking about what they had in.

We made it through lunch without any more talk about Charles and my afternoon was booked up with patients in to get fillings which kept me busy. When the day was finished Emma and I headed back to the apartment for a calm night in with a home cooked meal and Netflix, each of us messaging our respective woo-ers throughout the night.

"Charles has asked us to go out on the yacht again on Friday and has said to invite Max as well" I mentioned to Emma who immediately agreed and started typing on her phone

After a few more hours lying on the couch I decided to take myself to bed after a long day

Goodnight amore x

You speak Italian as well, a man full of surprises 😉
Goodnight x

~ Author's note ~
So sorry for the delay, I had a mega busy day at work on Friday so I only got the chance to write this on Saturday
Hope you're all enjoying so far xx

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