Drama on the Dancefloor

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"Jen, Charles" I heard a familiar accent shout our names from not far behind us

Sure enough the accent matched the image I had in my head when I turned around.
What the fuck were they doing in Austria?

Julietta stood staring back at me with a smirk on her face that I couldn't quite place and I stood up to greet her

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I tried to sound friendly but the scepticism in my voice betrayed me
"Oh I was just in the area and wanted to congratulate Charles on his win today"

In the area? In Austria? When she lives in Monaco?

"I'm sure a text would have sufficed" my tone slightly harsher now causing Charles' attention to turn to our conversation
"Julietta?" He spoke from beside me, my head snapping to face him
"You know her?" I asked confused, my question coated in anger
"Yeah she's my erm.." he struggled to find the words "she's my ex-girlfriend"

What. The. Fuck.

I turned to Julietta, the explanation of the smirk now clearly evident. The sneaky bitch had been trying to get information about me and Charles this whole time. My breathing stayed slow and steady masking the breakdown I was having inside although my fuming facial expression and clenched fists didn't hide it too well.

"It's so nice to see you again Charles, what's it been? 3? 4 years?" she wrapped her arms around his neck as he apprehensively patted her on the back, aware of all the eyes laid on him

I couldn't hold it in any longer

"Are you fucking serious?" I practically growled
"Jen" Charles shot me a pointed look telling me not to kick off and that was the last straw
"No Charles, is she for fucking real? She cheated on you, she broke your heart, she almost got you dropped from F1, for fucks sake. And not just that. She befriends me in uni, trying to get close to me. No in fact, trying to get close to you because that's all she would fucking ask about. And isn't it such a fucking coincidence that the week she follows me on Instagram, it gets leaked to a gossip column. I don't fucking think so. Then all of a sudden she shows up here because 'she's in the area and wants to congratulate you'. She's a sneaky, lying little bitch and I don't trust her one bit"

He stood there looking at me, shocked at my outburst, but not speaking a single word to defend me. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist in an attempt to take me away from the situation which I willingly obliged, turning to find Pierre leading me towards the back entrance. Soon joined by Max carrying a thrashing Emma

"What happened?" Pierre asked
"Julietta told Charles to put a muzzle on Jen and Em lost it" Max explained, still holding on to Emma tightly to prevent her from leaving
"La pute" Pierre muttered to himself
"I can't believe he just stood there." I spoke in disbelief, my upset tone calming Emma enough for Max to let her go "After all the pain she caused him, he stood there with her instead of me. He even fucking hugged her for god's sake"

The, recently all too common, burning sensation started to prick at my eyes as tears threatened to fall. I must have done something horrific in my past life to deserve all this shit karma, just as things seem to being going well, my life is plagued with drama and vengeful ex-partners, I couldn't catch a break.

"Hey hey hey" Emma grabbed my face, directing my eyes from where they staring at the dark night sky, to meet hers "We're not crying tonight" she shook her head and I nodded in response sniffing and blinking back the tears that were teetering on the edge

The four of us stayed outside for another few minutes whilst Emma and I gathered our emotions and composed ourselves before heading back inside, I made a beeline to where we had been sat, grabbed my purse and attempted to make a quick exit. That was halted when Charles held my arm as I tried to leave the booth

"Jen, please talk to me" he pleaded, his eyes full of desperation
"I don't want to talk" I snatched my arm back from his weakened grasp "I was outside for a good 10 minutes and you didn't come to talk then, you've missed your chance"

I walked down the stairs and straight out of the front door with Pierre, not waiting to hear what Charles had to say, he had hurt me enough tonight by not saying anything. I stayed in Emma and Max's suite that night, attempting to sleep on the couch however my racing mind refused to let me.

"Christ you look rough" Max appeared from the doorway of his room "Did you sleep at all?" I shook my head in response, not trusting my voice to answer for me

A knock at the door drew both of our attentions to it, my heart dropped to my stomach thinking about who could be behind the door when Max opened it. There stood Pierre, a sympathetic smile on his face when he saw me on the couch, and all my luggage.

I hadn't even thought about what I was going to do for the next week now. I guess there are downsides of travelling Europe with your boyfriend, you never exactly plan what to do if his crazy ex-girlfriend shows up, you have an explosive meltdown and end up not speaking to him.

Pierre sat next to me on my makeshift bed and pulled me in for a hug, the tension leaving my body as I relaxed into him. We sat like that for a few minutes, Pierre knowing that I needed this due to feeling broken and empty inside.

"What are your plans?" he asked, sounding slightly concerned
"Well I don't really have any now" I lightly laughed, feeling incredibly vulnerable
"My family and I are spending a few days in Mykonos this week before the French Grand Prix, do you want to join us?" he offered and I was shocked at his generosity
"Oh Pierre, I honestly couldn't take you up on that, it's too much. And I'd feel like I was invading your family time" I tried to turn down his offer gently
"You practically feel like family already, I'm stuck with you" he laughed "I feel like being around family would be good for you right now"
"Okay, you've twisted my arm, I suppose I'll come along with you" I joked back with him and I couldn't be more grateful to have him be my side during this
"We're leaving in 20 minutes so get ready because you look awful" he smiled at me as he walked to the hotel room door.

I quickly dashed to the bathroom to have a shower and make myself look as presentable as possible which was a hard task given the state I was in to begin with but I managed to make myself look only half dead inside. Pierre returned exactly 20 minutes later and I was ready, pushing my suitcase down the corridor and into the lift after saying my goodbyes to Emma and Max.

Pierre had pulled strings to book an extra seat next to him in first class and we set off to join his family for the next couple of days, hoping this break would help me clear my head because I've found the best way to deal with difficult situations is to run away from them.

~ Author's note ~

You were right to be cautious of Julietta, the ex is back on the scene

2 chapters in 1 day, you lucky little sausages, and the next chapter is currently in progress

Hope you're enjoying, don't hate me too much :) xx

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