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Pierre held me in his arms as he rocked me back forth to try and soothe me. My sobs had now become silent heaves as Pierre tried to understand why I was so upset. He took a step away from me, cupping my face and moving it to meet his gaze

"What's wrong Jen?" He asked as I continued to stare back at him, unable to get my words out
"Is it Charles?" I nodded slowly "is he hurt?" He asked panicked and I shook my head

Pierre's body tensed as he asked his next question "Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?" I immediately shook my head before burying it in his shoulder again "What can I do to make it better?" He spoke as I continued to sob before he pulled out his phone, sending a quick text.

"I think Charles and I might be over" I finally managed to get the words out and Pierre looked back at me, shocked
"What happened? Why would you ever split up?"
"I ran into Mick Schumacher at the track yesterday and he's been in a mood ever since. Didn't come to bed last night, was gone by the time I woke up this morning. He said I've embarrassed him and that I should go off with Mick because he didn't want to spend time with me" I explained
"Are you serious?" He asked and I nodded "what an idiot" he shook his head and pulled me in closer to him as we sat on the bench in his room

A couple of seconds later Emma burst into the room and joined our hug, presumably that's who Pierre had text a few minutes ago. Pierre explained the situation to Emma who took over the hug as Pierre had to go out for his final practice

"I can't keep doing this Emma. It shouldn't be this difficult" I frowned and she nodded as she rubbed my back "What do you think I should do?"
"I think if he wants a break, you should give him a break. He's stressed with how the championship is turning out but that's no reason to take it out on you. You deserve to be happy and stress free and currently you're not, and it's not fair on either of you" she wiped away the few tears that continued to fall
"But what if that's it? What if we go on our break and realise we're happier apart?" I trembled
"What's that old saying again? 'If you love something, set it free and if it's meant to be it'll come back'? Something like that?" She half smiled "This is your test to see if he's really worth it" she nudged my shoulder and I nodded in response
"I'm going to go back to the hotel and get my stuff" I whispered
"Do you want me to come with? You can stay in Max and I's room." She asked sympathetically
"No it's fine" I smiled "I need to start doing things for myself"

I hugged Emma goodbye and made my way out back into the paddock, keeping my head down as I walked towards the taxi rank when I was stopped by two hands on my arms. I quickly looked up and saw Mick's smile drop into a frown

"Hey I was shouting on you but you didn't hear me, or at least I hope you didn't and weren't ignoring me" I smiled at little at his rambling "is everything okay?" He asked
"Yeah, I'm all good" I forced a smile whilst nodding "I've just got some things to sort out back at my hotel"
"Will you be back to see qualifying?" He asked
"Probably not, but I'll watch it all from the hotel. Good luck, I know you'll do great" I smiled before I had to head off, giving a wave over my shoulder

As I sat in the taxi my phone was going crazy with texts and calls from Arthur. I felt so bad for ignoring him but I wanted to have a plan in place for what I was going to do before I spoke to him again. I thanked and paid the taxi driver as we pulled up to the hotel and I went straight up to my hotel room. I hurriedly packed my suitcase again before sitting down at the desk to write a note to Charles. An hour and almost half a pad of paper later I had finished. I did my final check around the room before folding over the note and leaving it with my keycard on the desk.

The elevator ride back down to reception was a long, nervous one, trying to prepare myself and hoping to not receive any questions from possible fans. I approached the desk and a young woman, maybe early 20s smiled up at me

"Hi there, how can I help you" she chirped
"Hi, eh do you have any single rooms still available?" I asked quietly
"Oh I'm sorry ma'am, the rooms are reserved for those travelling with formula one currently, we can't accept members of the public" she smiled
"Oh um yeah" I stammered "I'm with uh RedBull, guest of Emma Smith"
The girl nodded and typed into the computer "Ah yes, we can get you in to a single room. Is it for the two nights?" She asked and I nodded "and can I take your name for the booking?"
"It's Jennifer Walker" I replied as she continued to type into the computer
"Oh" she looked at the screen confused "We have you down for a suite here with a Mr Leclerc"
"Yeah there's been a change of circumstance and I needed a new room" I murmured quietly and she nodded before passing me over the keycard and telling me my room number
"Would you like to pay now or at the end of your stay?" She asked
"I'll pay just now" I winced thinking about the incoming fraud call from the bank as I inserted my card

The room was much more what I had been used to before travelling with Charles, a cramped room with a single bed and a bathroom. I tucked my suitcase into the corner and switched on the television to watch the qualifying.

The next hour went in quickly as Charles took P3 behind George and Carlos and my phone was still going crazy with texts from Arthur

I'm back at the hotel, room 203, I'll explain it all when you get here x

Why are you in a different room??

I said I would explain it all when you get here x

Around 30 minutes later there was a chap at the door and I jumped up to answer it, seeing Arthur on the other side. He wrapped me up in a tight hug after he took in the sight of my puffy face

"What's happening? Why are you in this tiny little room?" He asked
"It's not tiny" I laughed "it's fine for just one person"

I sat down on the edge of the bed as Arthur leant on the counter top in front of me

"Charles and I are going to take a break" I sighed
"Does he know this?" He asked
"He will when he gets back to his hotel room tonight"
"And finds that you've left?"
"And finds the note that I left that explains everything" I corrected him
"You're breaking up with him through a note?" He asked surprised
"No we're not breaking up, just taking some time apart" I corrected again "We both need it just now, he's stressed and I can't be on the receiving end of his outbursts all the time"
"Okay" he nodded "well if you need anything or want someone to talk to, just give me a message"
"Thanks Arthur" I pulled him in to a hug before he left

Only a couple of minutes later there was another knock at the door. My stomach dropped thinking it was Charles after reading the note but he couldn't possibly be back from the track this early. I opened the door to find Emma stood with a bag full of snacks in one hand and a takeaway pizza in the other. She made herself comfortable on the bed and laid out our feast before picking out a film to watch on the tv.

I appreciated having a best friend like Emma who would drop everything in an instant to make me feel better. Although the feeling of guilt grew even greater every time I had to rely on her like this when I fell apart. Which seemed to be every other week currently. Emma set up a movie marathon of our favourite girly teen films that we always watched when we were hungover although the events of today had taken their toll on me and I ended up asleep by 7 o'clock in the evening, unaware of what was to unfold the next day.

~ Author's note ~

So we're doing a Ross and Rachel and we're going on a break
Has Jen been flirty with Mick?? Is Charles right to be annoyed?? Will the break fix anything or will it fall apart??

Love you guys xx

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