Sweet Talk

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This chapter is a bit smutty so if that's not your thing just skip to the next one 😘

Our plane had landed five minutes ago and I switched on my phone to see a message from Charles letting us know he was outside. Emma and I fought our way through the crowds whilst trying to find our bearings to get out of the airport.

Eventually after some help from a friendly Dutch couple, we exited the building and I saw Charles stood by a passenger van, waiting for us. His attempt at an inconspicuous outfit of a hoodie and sweatpants completely stood out given the high temperatures in Holland currently.

I abandoned my suitcase with Emma and wrapped my arms around Charles, pulling him down to my height so I could press his lips to mine

"I missed you" I mumbled against his lips, not letting him pull away yet
"I missed you too" he smiled, peppering my face with kisses "Let's go because I need to get out of these clothes"
"Christ Charles, at least buy me dinner first" I joked as he shook his head, opening the door for Emma and I

The car journey to the hotel was quick and consisted of Charles and I catching each other up on the past two weeks even though we had been in contact every day.

We soon arrived at the hotel and said goodbye to Emma as she left to go get Max, leaving Charles and I in the lift with a middle aged businessman, both of us becoming antsy as it crawled up to the next floor. As soon as the doors opened Charles grabbed my suitcase in one hand and my hand in the other and quickly led me down the corridor to his hotel room.

We swiped the door key, swinging the door open and pulling me inside, allowing it to close behind us. Before I could get any words out, his lips were on mine, his tongue begging for entrance as his hands buried themselves in my hair.

"God, I've missed you" he mumbled against my lips
"I can tell" I laughed as he pressed himself into me, walking us over to the bed

I stumbled backwards as my legs hit the edge of the bed, bringing Charles down on top of me and without missing a beat, his lips met mine again before pulling away to lift my top over my head. He moved further down my body, placing kisses along my neck and over my chest as he worked to remove my shorts.

I flipped over to sit on Charles' lap, taking his hoodie and tshirt off. Pausing to take in all his features, resting my forehead against his. My heart racing at the thought being with Charles again but at the same time, sinking at the thought of being apart once the weekend was over. I pressed my lips to his again, wanting to make the most of our time together, rushing to undress the both of us.

I knelt in front of Charles as he sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes locked on mine as I wrapped my lips around him. The low groan he emitted, setting off tingles in my stomach that spread all over. His fingers tangling in my hair, forcing me to maintain eye contact as I took as much of him as possible

"You're going to have to stop" he huffed as I smirked back at him
"That bad huh?" I joked, standing between his legs
"Anything but" he laughed, pulling me on to his lap and positioned himself before lowering me down on to him

Our lips moulded together as we slowly moved in sync, savouring every minute. His speed picked up as he flipped us over so he was on top. His thrusts became irregular as the pressure built in my stomach, soon the both of us unravelling together and collapsing on the bed.

"I love you" Charles whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead
"I love you too" I smiled

After a few minutes recovering, we both took a quick shower before getting changed and ordering room service. We settled in on the bed talking about the upcoming race as the TV played in the background

"Oh speaking about the race" I started "Have I ever mentioned how lovely and generous you are?"
"What did you do?" he laughed
"Nothing bad, I promise! Emma and I met a girl and her parents in the airport and she's a massive F1 fan and she gave us all these letters to give to the drivers and I was just thinking it would be nice for her to give the letters to the drivers herself" I suggested, throwing in my best puppy dog eyes
"I'll see what I can do" he smiled
"See, just flash them that smile and they'll be putty in your hands" I joked
"I'm learning from the master of it" he laughed, pulling me in to his side and pressing a kiss to my head

- -

I had spent the whole of Friday and Saturday in the garage with Charles as we made the most of our weekend together. Charles had managed to get passes for my new friend and her family so now I was waiting at the gate early on Sunday to meet them.

It wasn't long before they arrived and I offered to take Katie to meet the drivers whilst her mum and dad could make the most of the hospitality lounge

"Okay so who's on your list?" I asked her as she looked through all the envelopes I had given back to her
"I've got Charles and Carlos obviously, Max, George, Lewis, Pierre, Alex, Lando, Daniel and Mick" she stated excitedly and my heart stopped upon hearing the last name
"Okay well we better get started" I swallowed down the lump in my throat and plastered on a smile to hide my unease as we made our way down the paddock

We managed to get through most of the drivers, Katie getting photos with each of them and giving them the letters and bracelets before she stopped me in my tracks

"Oh my god, there's Mick! He's my last one except Charles and Carlos" she grabbed my arm
"Mick!" I called out just as he was about to enter the Haas motorhome and he immediately swivelled round, locking sights with me

I cautiously walked towards him, moving Katie in front of me to put distance between the two of us

"Hey Jen, long time, no see" he smirked, moving towards me for a hug before I put Katie at an arms length in front of me, using her as a body shield
"This is my friend Katie, she's got a gift for you" I said abruptly

Thankfully Katie took over the conversation and rambled away to him about her bracelets as I distracted myself by checking my phone to see a text from Charles, luckily giving me an out from this situation

"Hey Katie, that's Charles and Carlos finished in their meeting now. Do you want to go meet them and see the garage?" I interrupted and her face lit up

I quickly took her picture with Mick and ushered her away in the opposite direction

"See you around Jen" Mick shouted as we walked away, receiving a glare from me which he only responded to with a wink

God, he was unbearable.

~ Author's note ~

I hate writing Mick like this :((((

I've got more exams at uni again so it might be 2-3 weeks before the next update, so sorry :((

Hope you're all enjoying
Love you loads 🤍

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