Meet the Parents

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I chose not to bring up the conversation we had with Luisa to Charles. There had been enough drama surrounding this weekend and last, that I just wanted to enjoy the time I could spend with Charles. Pushing the thoughts of his past to the back of my mind, for now anyway.

We got back to the hotel around 4 o'clock and the boys had all gathered in a large meeting room, choosing to sit together to sign merch and driver's cards for the fans. Emma and I made our way in to the back of the room, thanking the security guard that let us past. All of the drivers roared with laughter as Daniel Ricciardo stole a pile of Max's cards and started to sign over his autograph, much to Jacques' displeasure.

"Well we can't give them out now, thanks Daniel" he huffed, reaching over to collect the vandalised cards
"But I can" Daniel laughed, his fast reactions grabbing the cards before Jacques did and jumping up from his chair

He jogged over to where Emma and I had been standing almost out of view with the rest of the press team

"Enchanté madames" he tipped his cap to greet us and I was utterly defenceless to his charm, giggling like a little schoolgirl "one for you and one for you" he handed us each one of the drivers cards and I looked down to see Max's photograph now included a dark Sharpie moustache on mine and round glasses on Emma's
"Ah merci beaucoup monsieur" I jokingly held the card to my chest "I'll treasure it forever"

My eyes caught with Charles', his twinkling watching my interaction as Daniel's infectious laugh lifted the volume and the atmosphere of the room with every chuckle
"Remember you've got a boyfriend Jen" Lando shouted from back at the table and Daniel's eyes lit up
"You're the infamous Jen that's got our little Frenchie smitten" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leading me over to the table
"For the last time, I'm not French, I'm-" Charles was interrupted before he could finish his sentence
"He's Monégasque" Pierre, Lando, Alex and George all groaned in unison, showing this was a regular thing to happen and I rubbed Charles' shoulder whilst trying to contain my laughter.
"I'll be 5 more minutes" he looked up at me with a large grin on his face, patting the empty seat next to him that Carlos had vacated a few moments early "come join me"
"Oh" a thought had crept into my mind "I forgot to say, I'm going out for dinner with my mum and dad tomorrow, do you want to come along and meet them?"

He shot me a concerned glance and I rested my hand on his forearm that had become frozen in fear

"You don't have to come if you don't feel ready" I reassured him "I'll just tell them you had something come up and you couldn't make it"
"No that sounds nice" he placed his hand on mine that was still resting on his arm and leaned in for a gentle kiss
"Aw guys come on, think of the children" Lando squealed, retching sounds coming from across the table
"You're the youngest here Lando" I laughed chucking a pen at him which he dodged out the way of, pouting at me before a smile crept on to his face again
"Exactly, think about me!" He faked sobbed
"Please don't think about Lando when we kiss" Charles laughed and the other boys picked up on his joke as well, joining in with the laughter
"Nope, only you" I smirked at him, wrapping my arms around his bicep and leaning my head on his shoulder.

We stayed in the meeting room for another hour, the press teams making the most of the driver's good moods and plying them with merch to sign. It was half past five by the time we got back to Charles' hotel room and I decided to join him and his trainer for a workout before having a shower and ordering room service for the two of us. Falling asleep in his arms as we watched TV.

- -

I awoke the following morning to find the space next to me empty however my mood soon picked up when I heard Charles' singing coming from the bathroom before he appeared in the doorway, a towel hung on his hips as water droplets fell from his hair. I took a sharp breath in, my lower lip catching in my teeth and biting down hard to distract me from the dirty thoughts flooding my brain.

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