Like a WHORE

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'You monster!' Cersei shouted she was waiting for tyrion in his room

'My only daughter! You think I will sell her like a common whore?'

'Marcella is a princess some would say she's born for this.' Tyrion told her.

'I will not let you ship her off to Dorne just as I was shipped off to Robert!' Cersei screamed.

'Dorne is the safest place for her.' Tyrion told her.

'Are you mad the Martells are at war with us!' Cersei screamed.

'That is why we need to seduce them, we are going to need their support in the war your son started.' Tyrion reminded her.

'She will be a hostage!' Cersei told him.

'A guest' Tyrion corrected.

'Whats going on?' Tya called entering the room hearing the shouting from the halls.

'Your manipulative brother-'

'manipulative,' Tyrion scoffed.

'-is sending Marcella off to Dorne!'

'what?' tya questioned. 'no, thats...' she looked to Tyrion, he couldn't look at her, he hated that he was doing this as well. 'NO!' tya said sternly "Tyrion, Marcella is a child, she... Tyrion no!'

'You won't get away with this, you think the piece of paper father gave you keeps you safe? Ned stark had a piece of paper to.' Cersei reminded him

'It's done cersei.' Tyrion told her.

'No' she stormed through the room

'You cannot stop it.' Tyrion agreed.

'No!' She smashed around the room.

'Just how safe do you think Marcella is if the city falls?' Tyrion questioned. 'Do you want to see her raped and butchered like the Targaryen children? Make no mistake they will mount a pretty little head on a spike right next to yours.' Tyrion told her. 'right next to Tya's and right next to mine.' Tyrion said glancing at Tya trying to comfort Cersei. But cersei stomped towards Tyrion.

'Get out get out!' she screamed pushing him down he got up slowly walking out. Tyrion turned back to see cersei break down, tears in her eyes as she clutched to her sister.

Lioness // Ser Bronn // GoTWhere stories live. Discover now