One handed man

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When Jaime came walking through kings landing he looks like a disheveled mess no one knew who he was for he looks like a peasant one-handed a beard on his face his once very blonde hair darkened from the dirt and the long travels but he made his way to the capital finding his way to his sister he was speechless when he saw her but he spoke her name and she turned to him she couldn't believe her eyes looking him over she saw the nub that was his hand this man may look like her brother but he was not her brother her brother was strong and brave and handsome in this man was disheveled he was broken and so she couldn't stand the sight of him

Jaime wanted his sister but cersei was a complete wreck her handsome strong brother was now a broken crippled man she was a vain woman and did not want him anymore.

'Jaime?' tya questioned. 'Jaime!' she exclaimed seeing him she ran from Bronn's side hugging her brother tightly.

'glad to see someone missed me.' he said wrapping his one arm around her.

'cersei has been a wreck did you see her? oh my... Jaime what happene?' tya touched the numb at his wrist. 'jaime...' she looked up to him.

'its been quite the journey little one.' Jaime told her. she shook her head hugging him again.

'I'm so glad you are back.' Tya told him.


Bronn was convinced by Tyrion but mainly Tya for an extra sum of money of course to train Jaime the now one-handed knight.

'An unusual talent for a sell sword.' Jaime remarked

'And he tells me that you shit gold just like your father.' Bronn remarked.

'Is this place safe?' Jaime questioned tossing him a pouch of gold. They were at the water, a landing of sorts, far away from the castle but not too far, but with the waves crashing around them and the walls of the capital it gave them some privacy.

'There's this knight Laegon he has thunderbolts on his shield.' Bronn said opening the pouch and examining the coin 'right here is where I fuck his wife. she's a screamer that one, if they don't hear her they won't hear us.' Jaime picked up his sword. 'wow Valyrian steel that is quite the beauty but you see the problem is if you fight with an edged blade then I'll have to.' Bronn said, getting the dull blades out. 'and if I fight with an edge blade I will have no one left to pay me.'

'I haven't used a sparing sword since I was nine.' Jaime said putting down his blade and picking up the dull one Bronn knocked it down before he got a chance to pick it up

'Some knight you are knocking a man down when his guard is down.' Jaime remarked.

'The best time to attack a man.' Bronn said they sported around Jaime getting pushed into the wall easily. 'mind yourself.' Bronn said a giddy look in his eye

'I still have my one hand.' Jaime reminded him

'You plan on growing it back?' Jaime attacked but Bronn was quite skilled and Jaime being not trained with his left hand was losing and being quite the spoilsport but still they practiced.

'Come on then.' Bronn demanded. Tya stood at the wall watching them. Jaime dropped his sword again and Bronn chuckled. He caught Tya smiling down at them from the corner of his eye. Bronn gave her a bow as he easily got Jaime down to his knees. But when Bronn turned back around she was gone. 

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