Most beautiful woman in the world

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'The Dornish man' wife was as big as the sun her kisses were warmer than Spring the Northman was made a black steel and it's kiss was a terrible thing the door and the dornish man's wife was lovely, she paved a voice as sweet as a peach-' bronn was singing as they rode. Jaime was thouoghly annoyed.

'all right that's enough' Jamie said they were in the dorne guards clothing now riding their horses they were going to sneak in to the castle completely a notice at lease that was the plan.

'I'm coming to the best part.' Bronn marked

'I'm try to blend in you don't want all of dorne to hear us.'

'This song really is all about the ending.' Bronn told him

'It can wait.' Jamie reminded him as they got closer there. ' that is the water gardens.'

'once we got the princess then what?' Bronn questioned

'I'd like to improvise.' Jamie said

'That explains the golden hand.' bronn remarked as they march forward. They rode in unnoticed

Making themselves blend in, they walked through the gardens only to find the princess kissing her soon to be prince

'Well she certainly made herself at home.' Bronn noted.

'Marcella?' Jamie question

'Uncle Jamie?' She pulled away from the boy 'I don't understand what are you doing here?'

'Maybe if we could talk alone.' Jaime said as her suitor followed her.

'I am Tristan Martel.' he said stepping forward

'Tristan is my intended.' Marcella said

'Tristan wonderful meet you.' Jamie said shaking his hand awkwardly with his left hand

'We were not expecting you lord Jamie.'

'Why don't you let them have some time alone son.' Bronn said stepping forward but tristan noticed the blood on bronn clothing. 'let's not do something stupid.' Bronn told him but Tristan grabbed his blade and Bronn knocked him down. 'that was something stupid.' Marcella screamed falling to her beloved side.

'We have to go.' Jamie told her

'You hurt him!' she screamed

'He will be fine I promise we have to go.' But a whip wrapped around Jamie's hand pulling him away from Marcella

'Oh for fucks sake.' Bronn said as three women attacked. They were much more skilled than the men they had faced earlier using their whips and swords Marcella looked around nervously they were after the princess as well.

'Drop your weapons!' the Dornish guard shouted

'I am the daughter of Oberyn.' one of the women called out 'I fight for Dorne who do you fight for?'

'Drop your weapons!' he demanded all of them begrudgingly the daughters dropped their weapons down at their feet the commander of the guard swung his blade at Jamie holding it at his neck

'When you were whole it would've been a good fight.' he remarked Jamie dropped his own weapons as he was grabbed.

'You fight pretty good for a little girl.' Bronn said from an opposing cell, oberyns bastard daughters were across from him. But bronn quickly grew bored in a cell and Bronn couldn't stay quiet so he began to sing again.

'The dornish man has taken my love but what does it matter for all men must die and I've tasted the dornish men's wife I have a tasted the Dornish man's wife.' one of the daughters started clapping

'What?' she questioned her sisters. 'he has a good voice.'

'Lucky he is a singer and not a fighter or we would've been in trouble.'

'It's against my code to beat a woman.' Bronn told them

'It's amazing how many men have this code considering how many we beat.'

'I wouldn't say you beat me.' Bronn told her

'How's the arm?'

'Well it wouldn't be a visit to Dorne without another scar before I leave.' Bronn remarked.

'Do you think you are leaving Dorne?' the woman Laughed.

'No great hurry... well little bit of a hurry.' Sooner they got Marcella home the sooner he could marry tya and fuck her seven way to Sunday. 'Dornish women are quite beautiful not like the one I have waiting for me back home she doesn't know she's been mine yet but she shall be.' Bronn told them

'Am I not the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?' one of the daughters said stepping up to the cage cell

'I've seen quite a few women and all the seven kingdoms here...' bronn began.

'Name one more beautiful than I am.' she said pulling at her clothes.

'well, now in Kings Landing there is an absolutely gorgeous.' she slipped the dress away from her breast revealing her body to him.

'There was a what?' She asked 'in Kings Landing you were saying?'

'Yes much better than you.' Bronn assured her, she kept removing her clothing

'I enjoy the show I do but I assure you my Ty... my,' he said as he stared at her but he started to feel dizzy, his nose started bleeding as he crumbled to the ground

'My dagger was coated with anointment they call it the long farewell it takes time to work but a single drop makes contact with the skin... death.' the woman said her body still naked before him she smiled over at him taking her necklace and holding it out 'the only antidote in the world.' he reached for it 'now who is the most beautiful woman in the world?' bronn grumbled 'sorry who?' she questioned as he panting for breath

'You.' he lied and she tossed it over to him quickly he opened it drinking the vile

'I think you're very handsome as well.' she admitted redressing herself

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