Lets make a deal

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'You have always hated Tyrion.'

'He killed the king.' Tywin told Jamie

'So did i.' Jaime remarked 'do you have a last order the mad king gave me? It was to bring me your head I saved your life so you can murder my brother?'

'I agree.' Tyanna said coming up her father.

'of course you do.' Tywin said pressing a kiss to her head.

'father please-' tya begged

'There will be justice.' Tywin declared.

'Justice?' Jamie asked incredulously

'I'm performing my sworn duty as hand of the King if Tyrion is found guilty he will be addressed accordingly.' Tywin assured them.

'No.' tya said meakly.

'he will be addressed accordingly.' Tywin informed her.

'Once you said that family is all that lives on, it is all that lives on. You have always hated Tyrion.' Jaime told him. 'you told me about a dynasty that would last 1000 years what happens to your dynasty when Tyrion dies? I am a kings guard for bidden by oath, Tya wont bear the Lannister name forever.'

'I am aware of your oath.' Tywin spat

'What happens to your name? Who carries the line carries the Lannister name into future battles? Your nephews? If Tyanna marrys she will take his name she will no longer be a Lannister.' Jaime reminded him.

'What happens to my dynasty if I spare my grandsons killer?' tywin countered.

'Your dynasty survives through me.' Jamie said and tyanna looked to him confused, tywin looked up from his papers finally seeing his son.

'What do you mean?'

'I will leave the kings guard and take my place is your son and heir if you let Tyrion live.' Jaime told him and tya looked pleadingly to her father.

'Done.' Tywin agreed 'when the testimony is concluded in the guilty verdict is rendered Tyrion will be given the chance to speak, he will plead for mercy I will allow him to join the nights watch and in three days time he will depart from Castle Black and live out his days at the wall.' Tywin told them. 'you will remove your white cloaks immediately you will leave Kings Landing to assume your rightful place a castlery rock you will marry a suitable woman and father children named Lannister and you will never turn your back on your family again.' Tywin told him

'you have my word.' Jaime told him

'then you have mine.' Tywin agreed

'somehow you always manage to get away from these deals,' jaime remarked as they left.

'what do you mean?' tya questioned.

'come on, Tya. Cersei gets married off twice, Tyrion is the black sheep, sacrificial lamb, and I'm giving him everything he ever wanted. You still get to be you... how do you manage that?' he wasn't bitter just courious, he loved his sister and was glad one Lannister got to live their life.

'I'm the baby of the family, babies always get the special treatment.'

'spoiled.' Jaime muttered wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

'let just hope Tyrion can keep his mouth shut.' Tya remarked.

'that's... doubtful.' Jaime told her.

'I know, but I need him to live. He can eat, drink and fuck at the wall, live a long boring life....' tya said. 'as long as he lives.'

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