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The church bells rang out as Cersei ascended the stairs to the sept

'Your grace we are honored by your presence the mourners are waiting-'

'And they will keep waiting I want a moment alone with him.'

'But many of these lords and ladies have travel day and night-' but Cersei and Tya kept going 'to be here from all seven kingdoms.'

'They will wait he is our father.' Tya told him they open the door Jaime was already they're staring down at their father Taya cried as she touched her father's face

'He never wanted you to be the kings guard yet here you are protecting his dead body.' Cersei spat at Jaime

'What he built is ours now.' Jamie reminded her 'he built it for us he meant it for us they are going to try and take away all of it.'


'Them all of them out there they want to take it from us and as soon as they see he is dead as soon as they see the stones on his eyes.' Jaime told her.

'can you to honestly not fight over land and gold right now? Our father is dead.' Tyanna shouted at them

'They're going to tear us apart.' Jamie said

'They didn't do it the man who murdered our father did that.' Cersei reminded him 'he is the enemy I've been after Tyrion for years and you've been defending him for years, the both of you.'

'That is exactly what they want-' Jaime told her.

'And now our father is dead and that little monster is somewhere drawing breath did you set him free?' cersei questioned.

'Seriously you two do we have to argue right now!' Tya said exasperatedly.

'Did you set him free tyanna?' cersei questioned but tyanna was focused on her father. 'At least he killed our father on purpose but you Jaime you killed him on mistake with your stupidity! you are a man of action aren't you? when it occurs to you to do some thing you do it. never mind the consequences take a look look at the consequences here they are.' Cersei told them as Tyanna kissed her father's head

'He wouldn't want us to fight.' Tya said pitifully.

'He loved you more than anyone in this world Tyanna.' Cersei reminded her. 'You and Jamie were the favorites and now look what you've done.' Cersei kissed Tywin's head before leaving.

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