Twenty Two

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They've been working on me hardcore. They give me a ten-minute rest and then continue singing. I think I may have sung every Korean song that has ever existed.

The members would come sometimes and observe my singing. At first they made me nervous, but I found comfort in feeling them near. Sometimes whenever I went back for dinner, they would give me small tips so I can get better faster. I knew that I would struggle in this section, but I feel more confident this time.

Wendy is the strongest and main vocalist in the group, but Seulgi is their lead vocalist. Seulgi also seems to be the lead dancer of the group. While Joy and Irene are backup vocals. Their harmonizing is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I often wonder if I would fit in such a talented group. But they even practiced with me and made me feel like I belong. They've found my spot in their harmonies and we did a small song together. We all cheered with excitement when it came out as beautiful with me included this time.

My heart flew high. It still does as I walk through the studio. Dan avoids my eyes with a frown. I haven't been the only one busy here. Joy has made sure to take on her own revenge. Now, not a single girl pays attention to his cocky smiles. I can't help but straighten my shoulders and hold my head up high when I pass by him.

He was right. I am the lucky one.

I enter and find myself surprised to see Wendy sitting at a stool by mine behind the large glass wall. The instructor turns from talking with the rest of the members. Even Joy is here as they turn to smile at me.

"Yerim," the instructor says. "We'll slowly start with group vocals."

Making me sing with the strongest vocalist of the group is "slowly?"

But I stay quiet as he continues to explain what he will be observing and what song to do. I give it a quick listen. I can see why Wendy was chosen for this first lesson since the song is in English.

When I try to put on the headset, my hands slightly tremble with nerves. I can't seem to put them on correctly and I kick myself for being so embarrassing. But Wendy is quick to get off her stool to accommodate the headset on me. I give her a tight smile and she gives me a sweet nod before sitting back down.

"Ready?" the instructor says in the headset. I give him a nod with Wendy. His eyes burn on me as he says, "Try to be second voice for Wendy but come all out when you can. You remember that lesson."

I give him a nervous nod and feel Wendy give my leg a light tap. I look at her giving me a reassuring smile. Her wink is sweet as she says, "Let's do this, girly."

I let out a breath before beginning. My voice is the first thing heard before the piano starts. Once again, my heart is slowly dancing to the melody. I am careful to listen to the small moments Wendy comes in. I make sure to give her the appropriate parts for her. I make sure to let her shine until my voice makes our light even brighter.

Suddenly, Chan's motto comes in mind. He's been telling me this all the time throughout the week.

Have fun.

I close my eyes and my heart gracefully lets my lips bring out its melody. The song sounds beautifully. I can fly. It's so easy. It almost feels like I've sang with Wendy all my life. Our hearts intertwine and dance together to create a beautiful scenery of friendship and love. I give the last notes my best and then open my eyes.

My eyes find the members with awestruck expressions. It looks like I have their approval.

My eyes then land on the instructor. He already has a smile on as he says, "That's what I'm talking about."

I can't help it. I jump off my stool to happily celebrate. Wendy also gets off her stool to give me a high five and say, "Lets go, partner!" She then lets her own heart fly with excitement as she brings me close for a tight hug. Her arms wrap around my shoulders and the world has no limits. I could fly. I could run and never grow tired. I could do it all and not regret a single thing.

We step out with adrenaline flying high. Even Irene seems to celebrate with a wide smile as we drive off. Joy happily opens the window and lets the air flow in. My hair tangles with the wind and I let it be. I feel free for the first time in my life.

"We have to celebrate!" Wendy says. "Joy for graduating from training and Yerimie for being close to completing training."

"There's a party tonight," Joy says. "Among the graduating trainees but everyone is invited. We should all go together!"

For some reason, they all turn to see Irene. She already has a doubtful expression and they all laugh.

"Oh c'mon, unnie," Joy says. "This is a special day. It's like I'm graduating again."

"Don't you have your last performance on the weekend?"

"Well, yes but please! C'mon!"

Joy has puppy eyes. She's practically begging. Wendy sees this and she has her gentle seriousness that combines with her warm voice. It's the kind of way she acts when she's with Irene. "C'mon, Irene. Just for a few hours."

"But I'm not very good at parties," Irene says with a scoff. "You know that. I'll just ruin the fun for you all."

I awkwardly clear my throat and softly say, "I actually have work soon."

"What? No." Joy is next to beg me. "Let's go to your work and I'll talk to Chan. You cannot miss this, little sis."

"If Yeri is going, I'll go then," Irene says without looking away from the road. Joy practically jumps in her seat and tells Irene to redirect us to the coffee shop. If there's something I know Chan hates, it's last minute changes to his work schedule.

But I am quiet as I watch Joy work wonders. She's so sweet about it, too, which seems to work on Chan. He gives her a smile he's only given me and my heart clenches with jealousy. I quickly look away and smile at a customer that's arriving.


I look towards the soft sound of Chan's voice. I finally see that smile for me and it makes my heart flutter. "You want to go?"

I give him a nod. "I think it'll be fun. I'm sorry it's last minute, boss."

He always chuckles at that word and I fall for his contagious smile. "I'll let you go if you promise me you won't have too much fun."

I scoff at his words. "What do you mean?"

I would think he means that I need to be safe and not drink or smoke, but he only gives me a playful wink as he throws a towel over his shoulder. "Don't have too much fun without me."

I laugh at his joke and get back in the car. We're planning on going back to our place again to get ready. They all seem hyped up except for Irene, but she is enjoying our excitement. Yet, my heart lingers to Chan's words as I look out the window.

I wonder if I will regret not having him with me this time, too.

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