Thirty Six

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I'm so close to graduating from training. I've decided to perform with Dan for my graduation performance. After all, it was with him that I advanced for the first time. Also, it's easier to practice with him since he goes to my school, too.

It was horrible. We accidentally bumped into each other in the hallway and I tried turning away, but he recognized me.

"Yerim?" He did a laugh similar to the arrogant one I met him with. "So you go to school, too? I thought you were in elementary."

Elementary? That's not a word used here for education.

I remembered he told me he grew up in America, too. I rolled my eyes at his insult and walked past him. He quickly caught up with me and took my arm to strongly turn me around. I shook my arm out of his hold with a firm look.

His brows raised as he lifted up his hands in surrender. "Geez. Relax, girl. Why the attitude?"

"What do you want?"

"Look, Virgin Mary. It's not like I want to be your friend, but I've actually been meaning to talk to you."

The bell rang and I started to walk away again. I heard him laugh and loudly say, "Trust me! You'll benefit from this if you meet me by Building AB!"

My curiosity took the best of me during lunch. I was angry at myself for walking towards Building AB, but there I was. Feeling annoyed by his chuckle.

"I knew you'd come. You may be a virgin but smart."

"What do you want?"

"It's more if you want it." I furrowed my brows at his mysterious words but I kept quiet to hear him say, "As you know, the grad performances are coming up. I think we should team up. We started together. Let's finish off together."

He gave me a speech. He sounded desperate behind his arrogant look. I knew having a partner would benefit my performance as well. It would be less stressful apart from all the other things I have to worry about, too. My mother finally called and it was to tell me that she wants to give up because she can't have the surgery soon. So I've found myself getting extra hours of work apart from training and school. I think I'm getting four hours of sleep in total now.

"Fine. What do you have in mind?" He gave me his annoying smirk and began with dance. He said his buddy would be on the piano singing and we would dance to his original song. I found the idea doable. So we began practicing together after school and during training.

One time when the members came by so we can do a group training, they were surprised to see me with Dan. Irene gave Dan an angry look as he walked away.

"What did he want?" Wendy firmly said.

"We're doing our graduation performance together."

Irene's eyes went wide. "Are you sure about that?"

"I'm okay. He's been very respectful despite how annoying he is. And I'm sure we'll make a good performance."

"I can't wait to watch it," Wendy said with a wink as we went back to our places to continue with the music video for Dumb Dumb from our full album now. We have finally finished releasing our singles. So once the first mini album is released, the music video will also be released at the same time.

I've been feeling so far from the members lately with all the work we are accomplishing. I haven't even been able to process the fact that Chan asked me out with them.

Dan and I have had our small bumps through practicing. There was a point where I was so tired and frustrated that I yelled at Dan. He stepped back with surprise and said, "Okay. I think you need a break from training. Let's just end it for today."

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