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Koo was running after he pour the drink ,  when he reached granny's room she asked for her drink and  koo symply said it's was over .  She nodes and take the sandwich.

Koo was getting bored , he asked his eomma for permission to go outside so he can call his binie. Eomma said don't go far , he agreed and went outside.

Few minutes later Appa was back with someppl.

' Oppa...'   Kookie's eomma runs to him and hugg him.

'  Aera sweeti ' Oppa hugged her. ' How are you ' he asked.

' good ' she cried and hit him ' where were you , it's been years  I missed you much Joonie oppa' 

' sorry sweeti I too missed you ' he said and wipe her tears.

' Eomma am sorry.......  Are you okey ' He asked.

Granny just cried on her son's chest.... since they were expressing their love ............., On the background her oppa's wife scrach koo's mom.

Huh !

' Where's the bathroom ' other asked.

' Ommoo what happened to your dress '  koo's mom's eyes got wide...coz others dress was fully in pink colour.

' Just some brat kid bumbed with drink ' he said

Koo's mom shows the other bathroom .


' Jooniya isnt't that your son... call him I wanna meet '  Granny asked to her son and point the man standing and leaning on door.

' Um yes eomma.. wait..' ' taehyungah came here ' he called.

' hey grandmma am Taehyung ' he smiled.

She smiled and hugg him.

' how are you... How old are you taehyung sweeti '

' um am pretty good ..and am 22 ' he smiled and scrach his nape.

' Eomma this is jinne my wife ' joonie said when the other came out from bathroom.. 

Jinne was staying there with wide eyes.. 'ah why everyone is looking at me... I know am handsome.. but still don't stare am getting akward ' .

' You have such a humer sense...'   Granny chuckled.

Jinne look at joonie who was smiling at him with showing his dimple. Jinne akwardly smiled and walk towards them.

Taehyung was talking with Appa Jeon and Eomma Jeon both of them like tae so much.. 

' So you only have taehyung or... ' Appa Jeon asked to joonie who was talking to his mom...

' Actually we have three... ' joonie shyly said.

' oppa... woahh three... where are the others ' she smiled widely and asked.

' One have school and other in is on itaewon , for his friend's b'day party ...... Since our  meeting was unexpected so couldn't take them , ' jinne said with a shy smile.

' How old are they , whats their name' granny asked.

' why she is asking everyone's age...  ' Tae thoughts.

' Jimin , he is 18 and Yeonjun he is six

' Ommonna...six , oppa you should take him atleast... aishh I waana meet him so bad.. ' Eomma Jeon started to uvuuvv..

' He is not you think aunty.. he is really bratt can't handle  him.... ' tae sighed.

' I think we knows... You know my son is really a headache nahh it's a little devil inside that innocent body... ' Appa Jeon chuckled and take a long breath.

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