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Some Minutes Before

' Oh my god... Hyung ' Kook cried ' Please say something.

There was car horn and vehicle sounds were hearing. Koo's heart started to beat two times faster.  He don't know how the call ended so he keep trying and no one was attending it.

' I should go to him ' Koo wipe his tears but new new were forming. Koo immediately went to take car key and rush to down but he missed a step.

His leg slipped and missed a step

He fall down from stairs and his belly hit the floor. ' EOMMAAAAAAA '  A loud yell left from koo's mouth. 'Ahhhhhh ' He screamed in pain ' No No my baby ' He cried when he saw he was bleeding. He clutched his belly and cries helplessly.

He's whole body felt numb , he saw his phone was on floor he slowly crawled to there holding his belly. He took the phone , his hands were shaking and eyes were slowly getting fade.

He felf like he's gonna pass out anysoon but before that he should inform somone. He cried and take his contact with shaky hand , But before that Tae called him

' Baby I swear something --- Hyung it hurts ' Koo cried

' What....koo you okay '

' Please '

' Don't pull any prank koo , what happened you okay ' Tae was also crying '

' Please help my baby '... Koo's eyes went shut within seconds.

__ __ __

Tae opened the door and runs to hallway Then his whole body gone froze.

He saw his baby laying there.... Like a lifeless body. The floor was full of blood and water. Tae couldn't move an inch. He was shivering at that sight.

He approached koo , his heart broke at the view , He sat on floor and cupp koo's head and bring to his lap ' Baby wake up ' He quietly cried.

He knows he should take his baby to hospital or there will be complications but he can't even get up , his soul already left when he entered hall way. 

He felt his phone vibrating ' He look at the ID , it was Jimin ' He took the phone ' Tae why koo's not picking phone ' Jimin yelled.

' Jimin ' Tae slowly called.

' Taehyung are you okay '

' Koo fell down , here full blood and koo's not waking ' Tae cried.

' What oh my god...did you take him to hospital '

' No I can't feel my body , it's freez '


Tae's eyes shot open , he's soul entered to his body back .' Come fast to hospital and call Appa  ' Tae said and end the call.

' Gosh , what was I thinking ,...oh my God my baby ' Tae cried and Tae koo and runs to outside. He saw hobi was entering home while humming

' God what happens Kookie ' Hobi runs to him.

' Start the car , we can talk later ' Tae yelled annd both rush to hospital.

__ __

Tae stare at the paper. Doctor give hime some paper to sign. Kook is still unconscious , if he didn't wake within  two hours  they have to take baby out before it's get late. And they need husband permission for that.

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