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Next morning Koo was waked by Jun's loud noises. He groned ' Jun talk slowly ' He whined and cover his sheet but again someone's voice was also hearing. ' What is Jieun doing in this room ' Koo thought and peeked and look , he saw Taehyung was folding cloths and Jun and Jieun were taking and laughing in front of them.

Koo annoyingly groned and on bed , suddenly blanket falls down which was covering his naked chest. He immediately cover his chest with blanket ' when did I remove my shirt , Wait why am I on bed ' He look at Taehyung who was already looking at him with wide eyes and a little smirk , Tae lick his lips and stare at koo's chest which was covering with blanket and his tiny hands. ' Pervert ' Koo mumbled. Tae read his lips and point his finger to koo and mumbled ' Only for you '

' Tae what did you say ' Jieun asked.

' Um nothing , just a fly ' He suddenly look at her , he don't wanna Jieun and Jun to caught his half naked wife .

' Noona , then What happened ' Jun shook her shoulder .. ' Okay Okay then the big hero ---' while she was talking Tae's eyes again went to koo , who was glaring him.

' My shirt ' Koo mumbled.

' Laundry '

' Give me something to wear ' koo said and tae nodes and walks to closet....  Koo just wanna walk to closet and take his dress , so Jieun will see his abused neck and swollen lips  and it was did by her Tae Tae...  But he can't do it.... Jun is there , He is too innocent for these.

Koo slowly cover his chest with his hands and look at Jieun and Jun , Thankgod they were facing on other side. He slowly runs to bathroom and get inside before anyone could see.

Tae take a shirt and about to walk ' Hyungie where you going ' Jun asked , Jieun also look at him.

' No where , I'll come back... You guys talk ' Tae said and walks to bathroom..

Tae opened the door and get in , he saw koo was brushing his teeth. He smirked and cupped his boobie , Koo literally jumbed by sudden approach , he was about to scream before that ' Don't yell they are outside ' Tae whispered at koo's ear and kissed there.

' My morning view was the best ..and now I liked it more ' He kissed koo's neck.

Koo pushed Tae and grabbed the cloth which was on Tae's hand..He suddenly put the dress and ignored Tae's lustfull eyes and go back to brushing. Tae was about to approach him but koo placed his legs between Tae so the elder can't come closer. But koo was wrong. Tae touch koo's leg and give some little squeeze there

' AISHH THIS OLD PERVERT IS ALWAYS HORNY ' koo slowly yelled. Tae chuckled at his wife's cute angry.

' Jun... You have school ' Jinne said and get inside Tae's room.

' Eomma , I think I have stomach Ache ' Jun suddenly laid in Jieun's lap. She giggled.

' Um really It's okay , eomma will remove your Every Ache ' Jinne smiled and shows his spatula. Jun shows his dimple ' Fine I'll come '

' Oh where is Tae and Koo ' He asked.

' Hyung on bathroom , kookie didn't wake up yet ' Jun said Since the blanket was huge and fluffy, it seems like there is a person in it.

' Aish , don't koo have class today ... Koo wake up... ' Jinne said and about to remove the blanket but before that ' AISHH YOU HORNY PERVERT  , LEAVE MY BoObs ALONE YOU OLDIE ... GET OUT ' Everyone flinched by koo's loud whine.

' Aigo these kids ' Jinne cover his ear and take jun ' Jieunna come for breakfast ' he said and walked outside.

Jieun didn't like it ... She hate everything... Everything about Jungkook. She was about to stomp her feets but The bathroom door opens that time.

' Touch me again , I'll kich your dick ... Trust me ' koo yelled and get outside.

' Don't say that sweety , then how will you ride me ' Tae smirked and walk outside.

' Ishh... This horny Oldie ' Koo groned but he stopped when he saw Jieun there..

' am horny but only for my koobooty ' Tae said and slap koo's butt. Koo glare at him. Suddenly Both flinched by loud door closed sound. Koo proudly smirked.

After getting ready koo was down for breakfast . Jieun was glaring at koo's neck...  Koo feels someone is staring him. He smirked and bent down so she can see his clavicle hickeys also.
' Tae , you promised me to take me outing ' She cutely said while Tae was about to Take koo to school.

' I remember... I'll come after dropping him ' Tae said and waved her.

' you're not going to class ' Koo asked.

' Am free for few days my students are having exam leave ' Tae said and koo nodes ' if you're free take me outing , not her ' koo murmured to himself. ' Koo if you have anything to say...say loudly ' Tae said ' nothing '  koo bite his shoulder and laid there.

When he reached in front of bine's house , he wait for his best friend to come down.. Koo was looking at tae's neck.. something popped his mind.

' stay still ' Koo said at tae who was on bike. ' what koo '

Koo tiptoed and cupp tae's face. The elder thought he was going get a kiss...he closed his eyes but younger's lip landed on his neck just beside his adam-apple. Koo nibble it and bite a little. Tae moaned and grab koo's waiste and pull him closer. Few second later koo admire his art. ' hmm pretty ' koo peck there  one more time. But tae grabbed his and captured his lips. Koo also kissed back with same passion.

' Seems like koo is not coming to school ' koo broke their kiss when he heard binie's Gigglings. Tae pecked him and koo went with binie.
__ __ __ __

Tae and Jieun were outside casually enjoying view.

' Why didn't you try to date jie ' Tae asked

' Um I like someone "

' What who...'

' Tae I wanna say something ' She turn towards Tae.

' Go on Jieunna '

' You are straight , then why did you married a boy '

' um it was granny's wish to marry kookie , they arranged and I agreed '

' oh that mean you didn't like him , you married him because of some granny's wish How good Um so you didn't like the marriage '

' I didn't like it first.....oh it's seems like easy to separate them but now I can't leave without him ' Jieun smirk suddenly fade when tae said with a shy smile.

' you're not gay Tae Tae '

' Am only gay for my wifeu ' Tae chucked .

'  I know he is not your ideal type. You're with him just because you're married to him , if you didn't like this , you can always move yourself out '

' We don't get our favourites everytime , If you get anything treat it like your favourite it will eventually change to more than your favourite.... I love him and he love me.., we are happy the way we are  , it's getting late we should head back ' Tae said and walk faster..

' It's harder than I think , JUNGKOOK.... ' she cursed and walk behind tae.

___ ___

It's been two weeks

Jieun always try to make fire sparkles to Taekook family and somewhat it starts with big fight and ended up by koo's body full of marks and limping. All Jieun's plan are not hitting on Tae kook they way she wants. But still she hadn't give up.
Namjin couples 28th anniversary was on coming Friday  , everyone was running behind the preparation and things , shopping , purchasing , decorating.. everything...like that.

___ ___ ___

' Here is your money , balance after you did your work ' Jieun give a packet it someone.

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