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Next morning everyone was get ready for trucking.. They divided into groups and starts to walk.

Kook didn't like that fact that Taehyung is going with Lisa noona and groups. He poked his cheek and glare at taehyung who is literally flirting with Lisa. Tae knows a puppy eyes aee glaring at him ' Hmm now I'm gonna show you how it feels when you talk with those mfs whom I don't like, this is gonna be interesting  ' Tae smirked ' Lisa... Wait I can help you ' He seductively said and rush to her.. 

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' Jiminihyung yesterday night you were too loud ' Beomi whined. ' sorry i wasn't my right mind... Yoongihyung literally scold me the shit out of me ' Jimin sighed ' wait Binie what did hobihyung said '..." He was too sweet to me.. didn't even scold me , like lovely he said don't repeat again ' Binie giggled ' guessed it ahh ' Jimin pouts and walk faster.

' Jiminihyung don't run...am also coming ' Kook yelled and rush to jimin.

' Help me hyungie ' Koo give hima doe eyes with a big pout.

' What happened to you '

' You brother is angry with me...so he is going after Lisa noona and gang I DON'T like it '

' Are you jeloues '

' No...why would I...I just don't like Lisa noona '

' Kookie you're jeloues '

' jiminii Noo '

' admit it and I'll help you '

' Ah fine... Am jeloues ok... He is my husband of course I'll get jeloues '

Jimin giggled and nodes ' Actually Yoongihyung is also angry with me ..help me and I'll help you '

' okay but first mine ' koo pouts and other nodes

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It was evening , Everyone was tired from today , so they were resting. Tae literally avoid koo as much as he can, and it make koo go crazy. And same goes with Taehyung , whenever he saw koo with Hyungsik it make his blood boil. Both of the couple were making eachother jelouesy and angry. 

' Guys are you sure Taehyung is alone in the room ' koo asked while adjusting himself in mirror.

' Yes you pabo , me and beomi just saw Hyungsik with Aida Miss go out ' jimin said while arranging koo's dress.

' Okay...I can do it ' Koo take a deep breath and bite his lips.

' Shut up you bitch , you're gonna ruin your lipstick ' Binie hit koo's lip and the other pouts.

' I'll signal you ..then you can go ' Beomi said and drag jimin with him.

Kook look at mirror ' I look good right Binie '

' To say you look really sexy... And gorgeous Taehyung hyungie will came just by looking you ' ...'shut up fucker ' koo blushed and hit Binie..

' Way clear come on ' Kook hear jimin and walked outside with wearing a  coat and mask.

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' Lisa where are you going ' Jiso asked.

' Ow Teachers gone out , Mr kim must be alone, am going to him ' Lisa said and apply lipstick more.

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' Oh my god.. seriously....'

' yes it's true  '

' but already passed 4 months , am not saying still '

' Oppa what should I do '

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