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' Explain ' kook grinned and tied his hands together.

' Um... kook ' Yoongi look him with doe eyes showing like he didn't do anything...

' don't gimme that look , you know what you did..  care to explain '

' No-nothing '

' I know you hyung since I was a kid , but today you were  aggressive , like you wanna show something ... And what's going on between hyung and jiminihyung '

' Kookie am sorry I was --'

' Go on Im all ears '

' Jimin and I was '-... Yoongi started to tell everything to Kookie.

'Oh... ' koo inhales a lot of breath and look yoon upside-down
' don't you think , he'll hate me ' kook raised his eyebrows.

' I don't know '

' that's why , whenever you're with me , he don't even care to talk with me.. '

' maybe'

' Whatever I'll help you ' kook smiled.

' What really '

' if you don't wan , Leave it ' kook was bought to turn but yoongi grab him ' No don't go ' . Kook smirked ' But have one condition ' .... What's that ' .... You have to help me too... Kook said ' I'll do anything , but please make jimin talk with me ' yoongi begged.

Inside Tae saw his wife dragging yoongi to somewhere , He was jeloues yet curious , He didn't mean to follow them ' whatever I'll Help you ' he heard kook's voice and eventually stayed there and end up hearing everything.

' what's help he want from yoongi , anyway he like jimin not Jungkook , so my baby is free ... Wait he like Jimin... my Brother TF ' Tae cursed and get inside.
After cake cutting , kook give tae a piece ... Tae look at him.. kook seduce elder with his eyes and walk away . It was like an invitation to tae... He follows kook.

When tae reached somewhere a hand drag to the corner ' Why are you following me Mr Kim ' kook innocently asked

' you're the one called me ' tae said , his hands touch koo's tummy and roaming there.

' I didn't call you ' koo bite his lip and give him a puppy look.

' Innocent yet seducing me huh ' tae smirked and close there distance , trapping him in wall , kook glupled and leans more , keep looking at tae's lip. Tae opened his mouth a little and leans both of them closed eyes and about to kiss him

' I knew it , something was off between you two ' a voice and kook suddenly push stand straight.

' Aish Beomi it was you.. I thought it's was someone else  ' kook sighed. Boemi was staying there with scoffed yet curious expression..

' Mr Kim You re his boyfriend right ' Beomi asked

' Nope ' Tae smiled.

' lie ... I caught you guys kissing ' -- Ahem almost kiss ' tae corrupt him , kook hit tae's stomach with his elbow ' shut up '

' Jungkook is not my Boyfriend , he's my wife ' Tae said and hugg kook from behind and lay his head on koo's shoulder.

' HAHA FUNNY..... TF ' Beomi gasped. Kook pushed tae and walks with Beomi... ' When did you come here ' ..

' few minutes ago .. I saw Jiminihyung and he said you'll inside so I just come and caught you ' ... ' Interrupt ' tae again correct him and kook glared.

Kook grab Beomi's hand ' I'll tell you everything ' he said and walks ' WHAT ABOUT ME ' Tae dramatically yelled. Beomi tuned back ' Just don't mind him. Koo said and drag him..

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