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Berry is now two months old. Always crying and pooping turns to her new hobby. Jimin and Yoongi are staying at Jimin's home and he's currently on 8th months.

' Koo shhh ' jimin said and pause his phone and hear if someone is coming to room or not . And yep someone is coming inside the room.. Kook immediately get down from bed and sat down with his notebook and pen. While jimin throw his phone and act like sleeping.

Tae opened the door and saw koo studing and jimin sleeping. Koo peeked at Tae but didn't look up. Tae walk towards Jimin and patt him slowly ' Jiminii... ' He sweetly called. ' Hmmm ' He hummed. ' Yoongi hyung have something to do , so he will be late ' Tae rubbed his tummy and remove hair from his face.

' Are you sure you're studing enough ' Tae tied his hands and glare at koo.

' Am studing for hours and You're doubting me... Wah .. Nice husband i Have , am done studing ' Koo rolled his eyes and about to close the book.. ' I was thinking , How are you studing with book upside down , aren't you being too brat... You're having final exam tomorrow and all you doing he having fun ' Tae scold him. Koo pout and shows his doe eyes.

' Am not having fun , i was studing '

' I would believe you.. But you forgot that jimin's phone his still on and whatever you guys were watching it's still going on ' Tae smiled and look at phone. Jimin cursed himself.

' Am not scolding him because he don't have anything to do but look at you .. you have exams and one is tomorrow ... And you Jimin I'm not giving him phone because he have to study and here you helping him ' Tae look at jimin '

' Aish why are you kicking me... Your uncle is scolding his wife not you  ' Jimin yelled and wake up and walk outside while rubbing his belly.

' Come you're studying with me ' Tae said and grab his hands.

__ __ __

Tae was forcing Kook to study. After a long hours koo was thinking like why his baby is not crying for him , so he can close the book by that excuse.

' Its all because of Eomma and Appa , she doens't even want me unless it's for milk ' Koo rolled his eyes.

' Excuse me '

' Huh '

' Did you say anything ' Tae raised his eyebrows and koo shook his head.

__ __

Koo take a deep breath and look at Tae who was sleeping in front of him. Koo layed his head and started run his fingers through Tae's face.

' Why are you so rude to me nowadays , I don't like you .. why are you so cute and irresistible... . Gosh why am I still in love with you ' Koo smiled and pinch his cheeks. His thump stopped at Tae's lips. ' To say actually am missing you... I don't know about you... But for me am missing our naughty moments i think last time our intimated moment were on that shivering day '....' Wait Did you even see me after delivery , I got four to five scratch marks because of c-section and I have blotted belly... My boobs got little more bigger , and am kinda horny now.. ITS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU MF ' koo flicked his head.  ' My baby must be hungry it's been more than four hours she's with her grandparents ' Koo said and about to stand up but before that Tae pull him by his hands and Koo bumbed and fell down on Tae's hard chest.

' Bitch that hurts ' Koo whinced and rubb his left chest.

' Sorry sorry I didn't mean that  ' Tae show is puppy eyes and started to rubb koo's chest.

' When did you get this muscular '

' It's because you got more sensitive ' Tae chuckled and koo glare at him. But soon his face get heat , he remember that taehyung is still caressing his boobie , somewhat his touch feel sensual now.

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