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Koo bite his lips not to make sound , he knows what the elder his doing. He can't control , his body is  making him weak.

He stopped Tae's hands which was groping him. He turned back and saw Tae was biting his lips not to moan. Koo didn't think twice, he crash his lips on Tae , he suddenly kissed him back with same passion with hungrily. Tounges were dancing duet there. Koo removed tae's hands from his member and cupp it.

Ahem ahem... Am too innocent for these...

Next morning Tae was woke alone in bed. He thought koo was at bathroom...but nope the younger was not there.

After getting fresh he make his way to hall. He heard whining and yelling coming from Jun's room.

He peeked and saw jun scolding Jimin and Kookie for drawing on his wall..

' One is getting married in few days and other one is going to have a baby soon.... Still both acting like a baby...ughh ' Tae rolled his eyes and closed the door , not wanting to distrub them. If koo saw him...he'll ask for food  since Tae is lazy it's good to be quit.

___ ___ ___ ___

Days passed and the marriage day comes.

' Jimin are you nervous ' Aera asked at jimin who was biting his nails and trying to concentrate on his makeup artist's instructions.

' Nope..... Kinda yup... Do I look okay  ' jimin akwardly smiled.

' Baby no need to get tensed... You look great..' She cooed at him.

' Mom I wanna get married too ' Koo pouts , he was sitting on couch with lays packet on his tummy muchkin it like a baby.

' You're already married koo ' she says and jimin chuckled.

' was that even a marriage , I don't even remember how I look that day it was years back ..mom am 21 now ' he whined.

' Okay okay , first let Minne get married okay '

' Ugh....fine '

' Jiminihyung , how do you feel now '

' Pretty scared... To say whole body is shaking '

' How did I feel when I get married '

' how should we know that ' Aera and jimin said inna union.

' Exactly.... Wait am going to ask Tae... ' koo said to himself and slowly get up.

' Brat , he is elder than you...at least give him some respect '

' It's my husband and i'll call him whatever I like.... Go away ' koo swings his hips both side and walk outside.
Koo knocked the groom room door and Joonie opened it.

' Oh koo , get in '

' Where is Taehyung '

' Arranging Yoongi's blazer '

' oh if koo's here , aera must be alone with jimin , joonie come with me ' jinne said and drag joonie to outside.

Koo sat on chair , when he heard talking and he turned back. He didn't see his husband since morning...kinda excited to see how he look like.

' So you wanna pee again in case ' Tae asked

' No....not yet ' yoon take a deep breath ' Actually wait I wanna go ' he said and again..

Tae saw his baby wife ' Koo you look gorgeous ' Tae smiled and walk towards him , he helped koo to get up ' you also looking good ' he peck his lips. Tae wrapped his hands around koo's tummy and drag him closer.

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