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Next day ,

Koo whined and woke up , he saw he was lying on floor, but how did he end up on floor... who , how , why , ....

' Aishh if it's bine am gonna kick his ass....' He got up and sit on bed . ' oh am not at my home .... I really forgot , yesterday was my marriage , I miss bine , miss eomma , miss appa , not missing granny , she is the one who made me like this .. koo pouts and wipe his tiny tears ' and miss yoongi hyung , and miss my sunbaenim ' suddenly his tears flew away... he giggeled and look around.. He saw taehyung was sleeping.

He wanna brush , bath.... Before that , he is hungry.... He look there for a clock..and found it ' holy shit it's 05:00 , why did I wake so much early... But still am hungry '

He slowly woke and open the room and peaked outside. He walks to downstairs , he was admiring home , ' humm taehyung really have a big home '.

He heard some talkings ' please don't be ghost .. please please ' he chanted and walks towards it.

He saw the tv was still going ' why... Ah why .. ' he don't know where the switch is... ' but he saw someone was staring at him. ' Fuck it ... Please help... Eomma... Wait eomma is not here... Wait I have my fucking so called husband... ' koo saw the person was walking towards him.

' Hey are you up ' the other asked.

' bitchy nun you can't kill me ' koo yélld and runs to upstairs where is new room was

' ow.. why did he call me nun ' Jimini said to himself and sat on couch.

' TAEHYUNGIE....WAKE UP ' koo yelled and jumbed on tae.

Tae gasped inna shock and opened his eyes , ' what the fuck . What the hell happened ' ( if tae was me , RIP koo )

' Your house is Haunted I saw Nun , downstairs ' kookie hugged tae's legg and shut his eyes forcely.

' You saw what... Are you fucking serious '

' Yes it even talked to me '

Tae sat down and closed his eyes to regain some energy , he sawed the time it was 05:15, ' what are you doing downstairs at this time ' he asked..

' I was hungry ' koo said inna low voice, tae knows the younger must be pouting.. he cupped koo's face , it shows how much the younger was scared.. he was sweating too, he placed his hands on koo's chest ' don't touch my boobies ' koo suddenly hit tae. ' first of all I was hearing your heartbeat , you're breathing is heavily , second you don't have one ' tae chuckled..

' wah.. what ! you are not supposed to tease my boobies ' koo gasped and glared at tae.

' I wasn't teasing , just mention the truth ' tae hide his smile, he love to tease younger .

' Bitchy... Pig ' koo mumbled.

' sorry what....didn't hear you '

' nothing ' koo smiled.

' what you wann now '... Tae asked.

' I don't have clothes , I don't have brush , I'm hella Hungry , koo whined and layed on floor and started to roll down.

' Ah fine fine.... You don't have to show me ur pink panty ' Tae giggeled..

Koo's eyes got wide and he suddenly sat up ' Pervert ' he called and tae chuckled.

' you can wear mine for now... After than you can take clothes from home ... And I have spare brush ..... Go and take a bath.. and I'll take you to kitchen ' ... Tae said and show him the bathroom.

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