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When Tae came back , he saw only Beomi and Hyungsik.

' Where is jungkook ' Tae asked.

' oh his uncle took him ' Hyungsik replied.

' Which uncle , tall white somewhat good looking  is it him '

' yes yes , What happened Taehyungshi '

' Nothing '

He was searching koo for the whole place but there was no sign of Jungkook Or Uncle. Tae was getting tensed , he didn't tell anyone , if any of his parents know about it , they can't handle it.

' Jungkook where are you ' Tae closed his eyes to avoid forming tears.

Suddenly Tae's phone started to ring

' Tae came to radiopark near your cafe '

Hobi am not in the mood for this

' I know everything , He is here please come fast '

God is he okay (Tae almost cried)

He is safe , but come fast


One hours before..

' Can we go to Home ' Binie remove Hobi's hands from his chest and asked.

' What about your Hyung ' Hobi look at him.

' I don't know and I don't care , I only want you  ' Binie whimpered and smash his lips on hobi.

Both of them were outside literally grinding on eachother on the backseat of Joonie's car. Hobi removed younger's dress and mark every inch of his body. Within minutes later both of them were naked and Hobi was searching for protection

' Ha Gotcha , thanks appa ' hobi smirked and about to ripp but they here some noises outside. He was about to ignore it ' Do-on'nt Tt-ouch me , T-AE-ehyungggi --' Binie and Hobi gasped together and look outside when they know it was koo's noise.

' Fuck..... this bitch ' Junki slapped koo's cheek , coz When he touch younger's private part , He grabbed and bite older's hands and said ' You're not my hyung '.

' Hy-ung... Hie slap-ped mwe ' Koo's eyes were closed but tears were flowing outside.

Junki forced koo inside the car and drove. Within seconds Hobi started to follow him ( they get dressed okay ).


Inside the car koo was crying loudly , the elder was touching him inappropriately. Junki couldn't hold longer. He side the car and pushed koo to back seat.

He kissed him forcefully but koo bite him , he again slapped him. Koo is drunk , he can't even protest or protect himself.

He removed koo's dress , koo suddenly cover him with his hands but the oldie tied his hands with his dress and about to remove koo's pants before that someone knock the car door.

Junki gronned and let the window glass down ' what you want ' within seconds his face was met with hard punch. Hobi opened the door , he saw koo there ' Oh my god ' he literally cried when he saw koo's condition. ' Binie Look inside car for any cloths ' He yelled. Binie immediately rush to there.

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