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Days later ,

Tae and jungkook were at his home . After the lunch, kookie said he was going to out , and tae joined him

' so where are we going ' tae asked

' oh just wanna see binie '... Koo smiled.

' that cute frnd of urs , right '

' cute... You didn't even called me cute , not even good ' koo sulked at tae

. ' why are you looking me like that '... Tae asked... ' nothing ' koo sternly said walks faster.

' why don't we go to somewhere, since am first here , can't you show me around , tae show's his puppy eyes

' Nope , first it's been one week since I met him , second I didn't even invite you , if ur not coming , you can head back , no one is forcing yoh.  ' koo pinch tae's cheek..

' Rude....' Tae murmured and runs a little faster... Koo look at him and faster than him , tae increase his speed , so do kook. Both of them were running and laughing

Few minutes later , koo bangs bini's door fastly  ' open open ' he egraly knocks , he saw tae was still  running towards him

Yoongi , and Binie was watching tv and he heard too much banging , yoongi look at his brother to open door and immediately he closed his eyes and pretend to sleep... Yoongi kick his butt ' lazy ass ',  he annoyingly groned and walks to there ' aishh who the idiot is knocking like this '. He opened the door and suddenly koo falled on Yóongi.

Suddenly kookie falled on Yóongi , And their lips touched , both of them were in a wide shock , and none of them aren't moving.... ' who was that hyungie ' they heard bini's sound towards them and jungkook shook his head and slowly gets up. Koo looks like a beetroot , so do yoongi.

' Oh my baby... ' bine yélld and hugg kookie , before bini could jumb , koo already jumb and wrapped his legs safely on binie.
Both of them are being extras .…...,

' Are you alone koo ' binie asked.

Koo nodes , wait why did I nodes , where is my husband , koo shook his head suddenly.

' it's kinda hurts jungkook , you didn't even mention me ' Tae said inna fake hurt voice. Koo looks at back and saw Tae was leaning on the door and catching his breath . ' Did he saw , nah he didn't , what if he did ' koo was lost in his thoughts

' ow taehyung hyungie ' binie said and put koo down and hugg tae. Tae smiled ' can I get in ' he asked.

' of course you can , move binie let him in , make yourself home ' Yoongi smiled and invite tae in.

Binie and kookie were talking and suddenly binie just ' so is my baby still pure ' he asked.

' hell.... Yeah ' koo blushed and laughed

' but why , you're already married.

' so what , you know am only 16 and he don't want to rush things , we'll take it slowly ' . Kookie and Tae only knows their deal , and he didn't want to make binie worry.

' whatever , if u lost ur virginity , you owe me ur experience story bebe '

' of course I know .
Yoongi gave tae a  cup of latte ' wait here , let me give to them too ' he said and walks to bini's room.

Well Tae saw yoonkook's kiss , but he didn't show it. He can tell Yóongi Hyung like his wife , and somewhat his Wife is also blushing by yoongi's stare . It kinda pissed of Tae , he don't know why , he can't even say like ' you can't meet yoongi hyung , when he have yeuan ' Jungkook can date whoever he want , like tae , and that's their deal.

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