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IM SO SORRYy , I know you guys didn't like that fact about koo's abortion , and you guys literally killed me through comments and message.

But it was pretty good to see your reaction , and I can see how much my story matters to you 🥺. Thankyou so much for that.

Trust me , I won't make you regret for choosing my story. Your comments make me motive to write more . Thankyou so much...

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It's been two weeks since Koo's hospital case happened. Yeuan even talked with koo and all of their problem solved. Taekook being happy and lovely dovly couple again , but sometimes koo thinks about his baby and gets sad. But both couple trying forgot it and overcoming that incident.

And then Yoongi being a pain in ass for hosoek , these days the can't even go to bini's room alone. That day Hobi take Binie to home , since that day Hobi is restricted to yoongi's house after 10.. Just because Yoongi saw hobi accidentally slapping binie's butt.
Morning after class Koo and Binie were walking through the veranda. Binie was literally complaining about his hyung's over-protective, and koo was laughing his lungs out.

Koo stops when he reached a certain class....where his certîan man teaching. He smiled at tae who was writing on board. Tae suddenly look at koo , he stopped his teaching ' what are you two doing there , ' Tae asked and the whole class look out. Koo shook his head ' Nothing Hyu-Mr kim ' Koo bowed. ' Tae nodes and again go back to teach.

' Aish this hyung , when he is on teaching mode , he won't even glare me , if it was Hyungsik he even stops the class just to say hai ' koo pouts and walks with binie.

' So do you wan Hyungsik or Taehyung , wait... Where is Hyungsik it's been days since we meet him ' Binie suddenly asked

' yes last I see him was with Beomi at hospital , wait Beomi also didn't come to class since that day.. '

' Maybe what if Mr park got commited with Beomi ' binie started to laugh along with koo.
Evening Tae said he'll drop koo but koo said he's going to meet Beomi. Binie and Koo were in front on Beomi's home.
Few minutes later his mom opened the door and let the youngers get inside. The family was not so happy koo and binie knows something happens..

They were at his room , beomi was on bathroom... After that they three sat on bed.

' Missed you bitch ' koo said and hugged Beomi. He smiled and hugg back..

' why didn't you came to class....why didn't you take our calls.. ' binie pouts.

' my phone is broke and I was not feeling good that's why '

Koo layed on bed and Binie started were looking everywhere.

' Did you fight with your mom and dad ' koo asked.

' Yeah kinda  , they are not talking with me '

' Why... '

' Well Which mom and dad will accept their child got pregnant before marriage '

' Yeah thats right but why does your mom and dad --- wait WHAT PREGNANT ' koo almost yelld.

' Ishhh my ear... say slowly ' Beomi cover koo's mouth.

' Pre-pregnant ' Binie gasped and sat near him.

' you didn't have a boyfriend till now ,  then how '--' who's kid is this ' Koobie asked together..

' Um.... Am sorry I hide something from you guys ' Beomi started..

' Don't say that you're dating someone without telling us ' koo fake gasped.

' Wha-what... No... Actually um yes ..but it's not dating ..' Beomi started and two Bambi eyes were carefully looking at him.

' I kinda like him since we met , to say my first crush...  But he was literally over you '

' Me...' Binie points himself.

' Not you ... koo '

' what...I don't have anyone other than Mr park '

' Hmm..'

' THE FUCK....MR PARK.. AS PARK HYUNGSIK ' Koo yelled and Beomi cover his mouth. ' say slowly bitch '

' Yeah , your Mr park , he is not as you think he knows I like him... I confessed him so many times. But no rply, to say he concentration was fully to you. One day after class , he drop me at home , since I was alone I invite him over... And um...we kinda did it. well it happened. And to say then he started to like me . But then you and your husband again come between our way .. he again get jelouesy over you whenever Taehyung talk with you. 

At that trip night. We were literally arguing over you . I said I regret sleeping with him that day... But I think it hurt him. Then we kinda sleep together that day also. Then I thought he was using me and he still likes you... After that we stopped everything and Then...

I fainted that day , he was also with me when doc said I was pregnant. My parents was shocked and slapped me . But he said the baby was hisown and he'll take every responsibilty. He cried and ask for my forgiveness , he said he'll marry me and wanna start a new family...  That day my mom and dad stopped talking with me... Well they care me and my cravings but not talking . Hyungsik hyung told his family about me and they were planning arranging our marriage soon..' beomi fiddle with his fingers and smiled.

Jaw dropped both of the younger , they take a deep breath ' You hide too much things you motherfucker ...' Koo gasped.

Binie pull up his hoodie ' Yahh ' Beomi startled but soon he relived , a tiny...tiny bumb was there , like he eat too much and tummy got swollen..

Koo smiled unknowingly his hands rub his tummy , he nibble his lips wobbling about to cry ' if I care myself my baby will be al--' koo don't you dare to cry ' Binie forcely wiped koo's unforming tears. Koo shook his head ' am not crying ' he smiled. ' then good for you ' Beomi glared.. ' By the was Is Hyungsik BIG ' Binie asked to divert the situation. Beomi suddenly blushed and shook his head...and nodes. ' what does that mean , small of big ' koo giggled.

Three of them were laughing and teasing eachother. Beomi and Kook were making fun of binie's relationship and his hyung.

Later Hyungsik were there and talked with them. Koo talked with him widely, he even said Taehyung is his husband. After a long chitchatting of four of them didn't notice how fast the night came.

Hyungsik were dropping Binie and Kookie. After dropping binie  koo was alone with him.

Koo feel awkward , well he know the elder don't have feelings for him... But it's wired like Three years he was crushing over the younger and now he is going to be the father of younger's best friend. Whatever it's none of koo's matter.

Koo bid bye and walked to home. He and Tae were staying at Tae's house since koo said he miss Jun and Eomma Appa.

He saw a unfamiliar sandles more like heels near the shoe stand. He didn't think about it he was exhausted and walked inside.

Talkings and Gigglings can hear from outside. ' Guests at this time ' koo mumbled and look at watch ' shit 09:59... Hyung is gonna kill me '  Koo cursed and get inside.

He blinked twice and look at Taehyung who was literally  talking more like flirting with a girl...  not only Taehyung , Joonie appa and Jinne eomma was also talking with her.

They didn't even notice koo was standing infront of them.

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~ 𝑀𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑦𝑠 ~ 🎄💖

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