Chapter 2: First Contact

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Authors Note: The Californian Empire is a democracy but the Midwestern Union is a dictatorship. Why? Because it adds some realism to my timeline (looking at you Greenland and Iceland) and I couldn't fix it the first time around so I just went with it. 

Several hours later. Californian Empire maritime territory.

As the unknown wooden ships crossed the Californian border, seemingly undeterred from the flyby from the Francisco fighter group. The entirety of the CNS Theodore Roosevelt was in a paradox in deciding whether to shoot down the ships or to let them land on Baja California, since they haven't been contacted by the Californian naval command yet. Of course interception was an option on the table but that would risk the lives of the crew onboard since the CNS Theodore Roosevelt was an aircraft carrier and the unknown wooden ships had air escorts coming along with it, thus making it certain that if it were an invading army the deck of the aircraft carrier could be bombed.

"Jesus fucking Christ! Have we gotten in contact with anyone? At this point I would rather have this ship captured by AIPO or PCI forces!" The captain said to the radio operator. "Where in the seven god damn seas was your brain when the entire country was going to be threatened by wooden ships!?", "At least I'm trying to keep this ship afloat!" The radio operator, now offended looked back at the captain. "When I asked for your decision in dealing with those wooden ships, you just shrugged your fucking shoulders! This boat ain't going to stay afloat with your stupidity!"

"They are just wooden boats! Just get a napalm bomb onto an F-22 and we are all good-", "That 'wood' could be reinforced with steel to give off a deceiving look! We also don't know how thick the armor is on those flying lizards!" The situation intensifies as the two start debating. "So? We could just fire missiles at those oversaturated birds! Even if we die trying the, what? Five highest ranked nations in Post-America alone have enough firepower to level the entirety of Africa!", "What if we are the only people left from earth then!? All of the nuclear armed submarines in the Californian Empire are gone! Disappeared along with the entire nation-"

Just then the quartermaster interrupts. "Sorry to interrupt your argument over whether to push a button on a convenient control panel or not Captain Douglass, but we just got a response from Oregon naval command." Both the radio operator and the captain stare at the quartermaster. "WHAT!?" The radio operator scrambles for the communication equipment and puts the headset on his head. "This is CNS Theodore Roosevelt, could you repeat what you just said? There was a little bit of an issue on deck.", "Christ, you fuckers are fighting now. Ok, Francisco just said that you need to return to Sonora."

"I didn't know the fighter group took control of the capital." This got some chuckles out of some of the people in the bridge but the operator on the other side wasn't having it at all. "THE FUCKING CAPITAL GODDAMIT! SAN. FRANSISCO. They said you need to go back to Sonora because Canada just turned into a big ass forest again, and Mexico is gone!" All of the chuckling and laughs of the bridge stopped immediately as soon as the message was heard. However the radio operator thought he was joking. He was not.

"Heh, alright yea sure. Anyways some wooden ships just entered our maritime borders, you might want to get the coast guard involved in this." A long silence came from the radio before a response was given "A WHAT just entered our maritime borders!? Alright fuck it. Stay in that spot, we are sending over two coast guard ships, you get some planes in the air too since you are in an aircraft carrier. Also I'm not joking, just land at Javaros after bringing or destroying those wooden ships and we'll show you some proof. But for now, just arm yourselves. Got that?"

"Oh uh alright then." The radio operator said in a serious tone, now realizing that the situation at hand is serious. The captain, who had abandoned his grudges against the radio operator, nodded. "You heard them, get Francisco 1-7 back up in the air now." 

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