Chapter 13: The 3 Day War (1)

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Authors Note: I decided to slightly buff Fenn's military for this story.

October 25th, 2066 (1639). Fenn Sea Territory, Fenn Kingdom.

"Do you think the Californians will come?" I asked as Kushira, the commander of the Fennese Southern Fleet, looked with unease at the open seas outside Fenn. The tension in the far eastern air being heavy since an attack by the Californians, or worse, the Alaskans could happen at any waking moment. Especially since a storm had just passed.

"Is it even possible to win against them?" I then said as two weeks ago I had become aware of the details of the surrender of Louria to Californian forces from a Qua-Toynian merchant. "Even against a nation which could defeat a million soldiers with the mere back of their palm, we must fight to the last ship for our country." Kushira said as he responded after a long silence, presumably reading the wind. 

"However, though this situation seems dire, we have fortunately received aid from a supposed enemy of the Californian Empire who calls themselves, 'New Oreleens'." Kushira said to my own surprise, though he said Orleans wrong as I would later find out. He then faced a slightly wet robe that was placed to protect what I originally assumed to be cargo of some kind from the previous storms. 'What are those, food supplies?' I thought as the robe was unveiled to reveal what was not rations nor magical stones, but a weapon.

A weapon that rivalled the complexity of Mu's weaponry. Possibly being more so as from my understanding, it was a metal carriage with a base at the middle which housed 4 metal barrels. Presumably the likes of muskets and rifles from the Parpaldian Empire. "This is what our allies called an anti aircraft gun. Specifically a M16 half-track." Kushira said as he showed off the majestically complex weapon that stood out amongst the wooden decks of the Sword God with its metallic plating.

"Wait. Wasn't this used to shoot down Lourias wyvern knights?" I assumed (wrongly) as I've heard about, and made a visualization of the anti-aircraft guns the Californian Empire possesses from the same Qua-Toynian merchant that had detailed the chaotic spectacle that was the fall of Louria. "Indeed. These same weapons that were used with overwhelming firepower to destroy the strongest of wyverns in Rodenius will now be used against the very powers that held it!" Kushira said. "And alongside a magic cannon we stole from the third civilization, no ship or iron wyvern can-" 

The front deck of the Sword God suddenly exploded as what seemed to be smoke and magical fumes rose up, presumably being the ruins of the magical cannon since the Californian Empire solely uses mechanical technology. "What happened!?" I said as the smoke slightly settled and I could barely see the large crater that the unknown explosion caused. 'That explosion is definitely not accidental! It was an attack! But from where?' I thought as large crater looked like the product of a devastating fireball, one that matches the fireballs of the Ravernal Empire.

It was then that I saw a few barely visible but at the same time, bright stars in the sky... stars. There shouldn't be stars in the daytime. That was my last thought as several attacks that could only be described as fireballs and light bullets destroyed the Sword God as well as the entire fleet surrounding it.


"This is Ghana-8. Tangoes have been downed." A fighter pilot to an F-22 said as the burning remains of the Fennese fleet could be seen from 10 km away. "Noted. Continue with objective." The pilot of the leading F-22 called Ghana-Actual said as he continued to fly all the way to the Gotoku Plains, where a Fennese wyvern base was located. "This is Ghana-Actual to San Francisco, Status on Tokyo Landing?" The pilot to Ghana-Actual said as 'Tokyo Landing' was a codename for a following amphibious invasion.

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